Chapter 20

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~ 14th March 2020 ~

Sitting back in his chair, Neil's mind was in complete shock - Nadiya had just told him about what Luba explained at the police station. Since they were together for so long, Neil had always assumed that he could read Katya like a book. But clearly, he was very wrong.

Amongst all the obvious questions, he's mainly perplexed as to how no one noticed that Katya had fallen in love? Or Luba, for that matter. Maybe if someone discovered that part, they'd have been able to work out where Katya is by now. At this point... Neil was slowly losing hope that he'd ever see Katya again.

Right now, he's waiting for Nadiya to arrive at his house; She'd given him the rundown on the situation over the phone. He couldn't wait for her to turn up - he was on the verge of a breakdown and he needed a shoulder to cry on. Nadiya has always been a close friend, but over the past month, experiencing something like this together has brought them so much closer. If she was to cry on anybody, he'd choose her.

Almost like she heard him thinking, Neil hears her knock on the front door. The moment he opens it, she throws herself onto him, hugging him tightly. Nadiya completely understands how hard this is for Neil - he always felt like he had some sort've duty to protect Katya, even after they split up. Knowing that he couldn't keep her safe was killing him, and only Nadiya truly understood that. Being a mum, she understands the need to protect someone, even though it's very different circumstances.

When she lets go, he invites her inside and they sit down together. Neil was almost in tears.

"Please don't cry.." Nadiya whispers. "This is good news, it proves that Luba's still our friend.."
"I know.. but if she was the bad guy, she would've been the one person who might know where Katya is.. but she's just as clueless as everyone.." Neil says, tears starting to fall down his face.
"Oh Neil.. I know this is difficult, but we'll find her eventually.." she assures him.
"I hate myself for saying this.. But I don't think we will.." he cries.

Neil had been holding this fear inside for a while. Although he's appeared hopeful on the outside, he was struggling to imagine seeing Katya ever again. Of course, it isn't because he wants to believe she's truly gone - in fact, he wants the opposite - he wants Kat to walk through the front door right now. But Katya simply wasn't the type to just vanish. And after the revelation that she and Luba were in love.. his little hope just halved.

"Don't say that, of course we'll find her..."
"If Katya and Luba loved each other, then Kat had absolutely no reason to run away.. making me think that something worse might've happened.."

Nadiya sighs. She can see where Neil is coming from, and she can't claim to not have thought similar. But throughout her life, Nadiya's always done her best to remain positive, no matter what. Yes, it's more difficult in certain scenarios than in others; it's easier to smile through a broken nail than a close friend's disappearance. But regardless on severity, she's managed to stay full of sunshine during her life and she refuses to stop now, especially when Neil's in need of someone to rely on.

"Listen Neil.. I don't know what happened to Katya. But if we lose hope, then we definitely won't see her again.. Katya needs us to keep faith, now more than ever." She says firmly.
"I know.. I know, it's just so hard.." Neil replies, completely breaking down and crying uncontrollably.

Allowing him to cry on her, Nadiya wraps her arms around Neil as she focuses on not crying herself. While it's a perfectly acceptable situation to cry about, she feels the need to be strong for him. plus, she's done plenty of her own crying when alone in her bedroom, and she gets the sense that this is the first time Neil was truly expressing his sadness. Being there for him was her first priority at the moment.

"I feel like everyone just expects me to be the strong ex husband who doesn't care.. but I'm a wreck.." Neil cries.
"No one expects that of you.. everyone knows that it's hitting you like a ton of bricks.."
"If I'm like this.. poor Luba.. no wonder she's seemed so broken.."

Neil sits back up, resting his head in his hands. Nadiya being so supportive and understanding was something he really appreciated in times like this. But as he said, Luba's probably in the most turmoil; not only is she separated from the woman she loves, but she was accused of being the villain behind it all. Of course, he feels incredibly guilty about giving her name to the police - just another reason he's breaking down.

While they're thinking of her, Nadiya's phone starts ringing, with the caller ID showing Luba. She answers the call and holds out her phone, putting it on speaker so both her and Neil can hear.

"Are you Okay Luba?" Nadiya asks.
"Yeah.. as okay as I can. The police are letting me go home.." she announces, her voice seeming deflated.
Both Neil and Nadiya sigh with relief. "Thank God.. I'm here with Neil by the way, you're on speaker."
"Hey Neil.. Um, they need to sort out paper work and things like that so it might be a couple of hours before I can actually leave.. will you guys please pick me up..? I don't want to be alone.."
"Of course. " Neil replies straight away. "I'll drive Nadiya down and we'll both bring you back.."

After some emotional thank you's and goodbyes, Nadiya hangs up and looks towards Neil.

"She's just been let out of police custody and still sounds so depressed.." Nadiya whispers.
"Imagine if Mila got taken away from you.. that's exactly how Luba's feeling right now." Neil explains, wiping the tears off of his cheeks. "Nothing will make her happy again unless Katya comes back."

The two friends stand up and begin to walk over to Neil's car. Despite being the hopeful one, Only two things are spinning around Nadiya's mind..

What Neil said about Luba only being happy once Katya comes back..

And what Neil said about that potentially never happening.

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