Chapter 26

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~ 18th March 2020 ~

Knocking on the door of Tatiana's home, fear was rushing through Neil's body; Whatever Katya's family were hiding, he was going to get to the bottom of it. Although, being determined doesn't stop you from being scared.

While they were in the hostile last night, Neil and Luba created a plan before they went to sleep. Granted, their plan is risky but Katya's life is potentially on the line and there's nothing they wouldn't do. Hopefully, they'll be able to uncover more of the truth, making the search for Kat a lot easier; Maybe, once all the facts are straight, finding her will almost seem simple.

At the moment, Neil was by himself, waiting for someone to answer the door - Part of their plan was for Luba to come in later. With a bit of luck, he'll be able to keep his composure and stick to the story they'd set out. However, while it's necessary for their idea, being on his own was frightening him. At least, if Luba was next to him, he'd have some form of backup.

Eventually, someone opens the door; they're clearly surprised to see Neil but that's to be expected. The man who answered was named Andrey - Katya's father.

"Neil..? What're you doing here..? He asks, obviously perplexed.
"Hey Andrey.. yeah, I know you probably didn't expect it. I just thought I'd come see how you guys are doing.. you know, with Katya." Neil responds.
"You came all the way to Russia to see your ex wife's family?"
"Well, I know me and Katya aren't together anymore but we've never been on bad terms.. besides, we used to get on really well so.."
"Oh.. thank you, that's very kind. Come in.." Andrey invites.

Great. Phase 1 - get in the house - complete. To be honest, it was the easiest phase, and definitely not the risky part.

Once he steps into the living room, Neil's surprised by how unfamiliar it all feels. He's spent christmases in this place; he's been here for God knows how many hours.. but for some reason, it feels like a different place. But then again, it's not something he can put his finger on either. Maybe it's just because he's not been there in so long - everywhere becomes strange over time.

Inside the living room was Katya's brother Roman, her sister Anna, and Tatiana. Neil was surprised that Tatiana was back in Russia so soon after he last saw her in England; but he daren't say anything in case it jeopardises the plan with Luba.

"Neil?" Roman questions.
"Hey guys.. I'm sorry to just turn up, but I thought you could all do with some company.."
"No, we love having you.. we've not seen you in ages.. to this day, non of us think Katya should've broken up with you." Anna says.

Taken aback by Anna's comment, Neil cautiously sits on the sofa. Him and Katya made the mutual decision to split.. and if his theory - them knowing about Luba - turns out to be true, it's an even more strange comment to make. After all, if Katya told them in person, they'd surely be able to see how happy they are together. So why would they want a relationship to continue if it isn't the relationship that's making their daughter smile.

"I'll go make cups of tea.." Andrey says.
"Thank you.. is it okay if I use your bathroom?" Neil asks, hoping to begin phase 2.
"Of course!" Tatiana smiles.

Standing up, Neil walks down the hall - thankfully, it's out of sight from the Sokolovs. But while the door to the bathroom is on the left, Neil turns to the right, where there's a window. He opens it, allowing Luba to climb into the house discreetly; they look at one another, a sense of worry between them.

"Staircase is just over there.. whatever you do, be fucking quiet.." Neil whispers.
"And whatever you do, keep them sweet.. we need them on side in case I don't find anything right away.." Luba replies quietly.
"Deal.. if you get scared, get out, then text me. I'll make an excuse to leave." He explains.

They exchange a good luck and a warm hug before Neil casually walks back to his miniature social gathering; Luba heads to the end of the hallway where she locates the staircase. While she was apprehensive, nothing could outweigh her determination to find the love of her life.

Still cautious, Luba walks down the stairs into the family's basement - if someone is going to hide anything, the basement seems like a logical place. But to be truthful, Luba isn't entirely sure what she's expecting to find, but absolutely anything would help. At the moment, they've got nothing, so they can only add to what they know.

As soon as she's there, the room appears eerily clean.. and the air smells of bleach? What on earth does that mean, if it means anything at all? It's as if someone's dunked a jug of Dettol on everything. Despite the smell, Luba wouldn't let it put her off looking.

First, she goes over to the sofas. Luba might not be a private investigator, but she's watched enough crime shows to know where the best places to hunt are. Pulling back the cushions, it's the same 'too clean' feeling - there's not one spec of dust. Obviously, they could just be a clean family; but this seems highly excessive.

Switching tactics, Luba walks over to the washing machine and opens it. As expected, there's nothing in there. Although, something catches her eye - a bright blue piece of fabric peaking out from underneath the dryer. Maybe someone dropped it when taking out the washing? Pulling it out, Luba does a double take.. this was Katya's dress..? To be specific, it was the dress she was wearing the last time they were together..?

Well then, that must mean.. Katya has definitely been here? There's no other way that this dress could've got into this house.

But even now Neil's theory has been half proven.. why on earth would they lie about it? Being visited by their own daughter isn't suspicious on it's own, Neil and Luba are only weary because they clearly lied about it.

So the question is now.. why would they lie about it? What could've happened to make them cover up something so innocent??

But whatever it is, Luba was going to find out. And one way or another, she'll find out where the woman she loves is.. because under no circumstances would she ever be able to live without her.

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