Chapter 25

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~ 17th March 2020 ~

Luba looks out of the plane window; She's been on the flight for barely an hour, and she's already bored. Not that looking out of the window helps very much - it's the exact same view as twenty minutes ago - nothing but clouds. She turns her head to the seat next to her, occupied by a very sleepy Neil Jones. Sensing Luba's gaze, Neil opens his eyes to look back at her. They smile at one another.

Luba couldn't have smiled more when Neil turned up at the terminal - she knew it was a long shot getting Nadiya to come, but she didn't want to go alone either. It's rare that Luba takes trips back home, Russia isn't the most familiar place to her anymore; Neil was more likely to know his way around than her. Besides having a human GPS, Luba knew that she'd mentally struggle without someone to keep her on the ground. Looking for Katya is her only goal, and she's willing to drive herself insane for it; Without someone there to stop her, it's a very likely outcome.

"So what's your plan..?" Neil asks, waking himself up a little more.
"I don't really know.. But I'd never forgive myself if I didn't try. I was going to stay at my parents house, but I doubt they'd let you stay too, and I'm not that excited to stay myself.." Luba explains.
"Don't worry, there's a hostile not far from Katya's parent's house.. "

Luba smiles at the idea of not having to stay with her mum and dad - of course, she loved them - but there's definitely been a lot of resentment between them due to their dislike of the lgbt community. Every day, Luba hoped that they'd have some form of realisation that being queer is 100% okay.. but that day never came, and she highly doubts that it ever will.

"We can sleep at the hostile then we'll formulate a plan in the morning.. " Neil says.
"But what if Katya needs us tonight?" She protests.
"It'll be pitch black by the time we land, we'll both be exhausted.. plus, I think it would be a bit suspicious if we knocked on the door at midnight.."

Slouching into her seat, Luba hates how logical Neil is. Of course, she wants their search to be as effective as possible, but she also wants to do it as fast as possible. After all, Luba was being driven to insanity without the woman she loves, all she wants is to have her back. However, she knows that Neil's right - they need to work out the best possible plan, which they can't do with a case of sleep deprivation.

"You're really tense.. nervous flyer?" Neil asks, resting he hand on Luba's arm.
"I'm scared about Katya.. "
"I think we're not giving Katya enough credit... we both know that she's one hell of a woman, she can handle herself.." He chuckles, in hopes of giving her some comfort.

Looking down, Luba begins to tear up. She knows that Katya's a capable woman, but few people knew quite how vulnerable she really was. Plus, the very people they're suspecting of lying are one of Katya's main weaknesses.. her family. They claim not to have seen her since Kat last visited, but if they know about her relationship with Luba (something Tatiana hinted to) then that just can't be true. Whatever they're hiding, they need to get to the bottom of it - for Katya's sake.

"I miss her so much.." Luba whimpers. "I just want her to be safe.."
"She will be.. I've had sleepless nights about it too, trust me.. but if there's one thing Nadiya's drilled into me, it's to have a little faith.." Neil answers.
"The last time we were together.. we screamed at each other.. that can't be the last time I see her, what if she thinks I don't love her..? What if she's in danger and she thinks that I won't care!?"
"Luba, after all you've told me, I doubt Kat would ever think that.."

After their huge fight, Luba would've struggled to forgive herself under normal circumstances.. but after this has all happened, it'll be impossible - it's a lose/lose situation either way. If Katya's out there, she probably thinks that Luba won't come looking for her; if, heaven forbid, Kat wasn't around anymore.. she'd never be able to hear Luba's apology, or be told 'I love you' again. Absolutely nothing would break her heart more than never seeing Kat again.. she's the only person she's ever truly loved, she simply can't loose her now.

"If anyone's hurt her.."
"Then I'm equally in the state of mind to punch them as you.. in fact, I probably should, the Russian justice system goes easier on men." Neil chuckles.
"I.. I-Neil.. what if.. what if she's more than hurt..?" Luba weeps.
"I don't think we'd be doing ourselves any favours if we thought that way.."

Neil could see how much Luba was hurting, he could see it from the moment Katya didn't turn up to the first day of tour promo. If they never found Kat, he knew perfectly well that Luba wouldn't cope. Thank God he listened to Nadiya when she told him to get on this flight, the thought of Luba wandering around a different country with no one to look out for her was terrifying. Without someone with her, Luba would probably end up in a lot pf danger herself, especially if Katya somehow got herself caught up in trouble. While it's sweet that they'd do literally anything for one another.. it might also lead to some scenarios they'd rather not be in.

Interrupting their thoughts, one of the air hostesses walks past with their usual tray, offering them both some snacks. Neil and Luba look to one another.

"You know what... fuck it, I'll have a scotch please.." Neil says.
"Neil! We can't just drink our prob-... fuck it twice and sideways, I'll have a red wine, biggest glass you've got.."

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