Chapter 17

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( Just wanted to say thank you for 1K reads! Very appreciated <3 )

~ 13th March 2020 ~

Nothing in the universe could've prepared Luba for this whirlwind. Hardly anything could've prepared anyone for something so outlandish. Every time she gets in her head, every time she thinks about Katya (which is very often), the only question she has is how? How did they go from being so desperately in love to whatever they are now? But regardless on what they are, they're definitely apart - and it was breaking Luba's heart.

Despite her mind being filled with Katya, Luba has her own worries to deal with at the moment; she'd spent last night sleeping in a holding cell inside a local police station. Due to her fragile state, the police weren't willing to question her straight away, so they kept her in a night. This way, they can question her today, once the shock has worn off.

Luba didn't sleep very well, but she hasn't been able to in months. While she was awake, she was thinking about what the police might say. Even if it puts herself in the firing line, she'd decided that she'll have to come clean about everything that's happened; the police knowing about their relationship, what really happened the last time they spoke.. it might help them to finally find her. Whatever happens to Luba, she'll deal with it - as long as it beings Katya home safe.

The young woman curls her legs up onto her bed as she hears the door unlocking. When she looks up, there's a policewoman looking at her with a kind smile. Yes, every policeman and woman Luba's encountered has been sympathetic, but it doesn't change how scary it all is.

"Don't worry, love.. we don't want to question you just yet." She announces. "But you do have a visitor."
"Oh.. who?"
"Come on.."

Cautiously, Luba follows the woman down the corridors as she attempts to calm herself down. She's led to a small room, with a coffee table and a sofa. Sitting on the sofa was Luba's 'visitor' - Nadiya. While it would be understandable for Luba to be angry at her friend for going to the police about her, there isn't enough room in her heart for anger; she's already lost Katya, she isn't going to let go of Nadiya too.

"I'll leave you both to it.. twenty minutes" the policewoman says before exiting the cosy room.

As Nadiya does her best to compose herself, Luba sits opposite her. She doesn't know why Nadiya's visiting - wether it's to apologise, explain, yell.. But whatever it is, Luba's already made her mind up. Granted, Nadiya isn't the police, but she knows it's time to come clean to her. Keeping secrets has led to this entire situation.. adding more lies won't do anyone any good, especially Katya. So now, she has to be truthful, whatever Nadiya may ask.

"The policewoman told me.. you know that me and Neil gave them your name?" Nadiya asks, almost embarrassed.
"Yeah.. but, before you say absolutely anything, I don't blame you for it."

Granted, being arrested is probably one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of her life. But when you look at all the lying she's done, the amount of times she's deceived the people closest to her.. why is she surprised it ended this way? How can she be annoyed at Nadiya? If roles were reversed, Luba would probably have done the same - it would be hypocritical to expect anything else from other people.

"I hate myself for it, Luba.. I know you wouldn't hurt her, but there were just so many questions and you were acting so secretive-"
"Nadiya, please, stop.. I'd say I forgive you but there's nothing to forgive. Please don't hate yourself.. you've done nothing wrong." Luba reassures her. "But, one thing I would like to know.. what was the tipping point? What made you actually go..?"
"...remember when I came over and you spilled coffee on yourself? When I went to get you a change of clothes, there were a ton of Katya's clothes and you had her glitterball.. even her diary, which you'd told us you'd given to the police."

Luba sighs. It makes perfect sense now.. of course it does. She should've known the moment Nadiya went into her bedroom that their suspicions would skyrocket. Katya's things were in Luba's flat because it's wasn't just her flat; it was hers and Katya's, they lived together. But, obviously, no one else knew that. Luba can clearly see how bad this looks against her, so again, how can she be mad at her friends for thinking the worst?

"Luba, I love you to pieces, but you need to tell me what's going on.."
The young woman takes a deep breath to brace herself. This was it.. here goes nothing. "I.. I love her.." she admits, tearing up.
"Katya..? Honey, we all love her."
"No, not like that.. I mean, I love her. I'm in love with her."

Nadiya does a double take. What..? Luba and Katya were a couple? But, how is that possible? Surely, someone would've realised..?

"Look, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. We spent alot of time together during strictly rehearsals and it just became something else.. I don't really know how it happened either, but I do know that it was real and I know how in love we were.. are." Luba explains.
"I.. I.. I'm sorry, that's just a bombshell.." Nadiya replies, still processing the information.
"I know it is.. but that's why I had so much of her stuff. She still had her old place, but we lived together in my flat for a while."

While she's still not fully wrapped her mind around it, Nadiya was beginning to see sense in Luba's story. She'd have never predicted that they were an item, but she can tell by the look in Luba's eyes that she's genuinely smitten. Besides, Katya's things being in her apartment, Luba being the most affected when Kat went missing.. it's all starting to finally add up.

"I believe you.." she says, placing her hand onto Luba's. "But what about her diary..?"
"I really was looking through it, hoping to find clues as to where she is.. no one wants her home more than me, but I had to look on my own or people would find out we were together."
"As much as that makes sense, why were you so afraid to be open?"
"Two women, who are both engulfed in the media frenzy of strictly, and were both brought up on strict Russian discipline and culture.." Luba states.

Her eyes widening, Nadiya could feel her heart aching. There's not a single part pf her that doesn't believe Luba, which makes her feel even more guilty for getting her arrested in the first place. Although, if that's what it took to make her reveal all of this, maybe it might be worth it?

"Wait.. Katya had no contact with anyone for ages before we realised she was missing... if you were a couple, surely you'd be the first to notice?" Nadiya asks.
Luba chokes up. This was the part that she really didn't want to explain. "I uh.. the last time we were together.. we had a huge fight.. I've never forgiven myself for it. I thought she'd left to get away from me.."
"The note.." Nadiya realises, thinking back to the piece of paper they found in Katya's apartment.
"I thought it was only me she'd cut off contact with.. I thought she'd be talking with everyone else like normal. The moment I found out she might be in trouble, I just lost it."

Luba hasn't, and might never, stopped losing sleep over the last time she was with Katya. It was a horrible thing to argue at the time.. but then it led to her having no contact with the woman she loved most. Eventually, it led to that same woman being an official missing person, and no one having any idea if she was dead or alive.

"What did actually happen the last time you were together..?" Nadiya questions.
"It was the night after the strictly tour ended.."
"That's the last time most people saw her.. what happened between you two?"

"Well.. what happened was..."

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