Chapter 3

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~ 2nd March 2020 ~

Nadiya led the way towards Katya's small flat, with Neil close behind her; Luba was there with them, but she was a few steps back, her feet dragging along the floorboards.

Katya hadn't turned up during the day, and while that's reason in itself to be worried - not one person was able to get Katya on the phone, or even a reply to a text. Despite it being unlikely, it's possible for one person to go completely off-radar for one day and turn out perfectly fine. But the most worrying aspect of this situation was that every single professional hadn't seen Katya since about January.. and neither had anyone else they'd contacted.

With Katya being an  independent woman, it wouldn't be particularly concerning to not hear from her in a week or so, maybe even longer - but nearly two months? Besides, after taking into account all the other factors, no one can blame the strictly family for feeling concerned. Nearly everyone was volunteering to go looking for Katya at her flat, but the three friends had already decided to: so that's where they were.

Thankfully, Neil had a key, so they were able to get in really easily. It may sound silly, but they didn't want to knock - for all they knew, Katya might have been actively avoiding people, and they didn't want to give her the chance to leave. As long as they knew she was safe, their minds could rest. If she wanted to be left alone, they could always respect that. But the idea that Katya was in danger was weighing heavy in their heads.

Once the door was open, Luba's mind began racing immediately. Nadiya and Neil burst through the door, shouting Katya's name, but Luba was still at the other end of the hallway. However, hearing her friend's calls only being answered with silence was making Luba panic; what are they going to find on the other side of the door? Granted, the last place Luba wanted to be was here, but it was too late - she was there. She might as well join them.

After speeding up her walk, Luba eventually reaches the door and faces towards the flat she knows all too well. Her heart is speeding so much, it's nearly casing pain, and her forehead is beginning to work up a sweat. Watching Neil and Nadiya run around the small rooms, desperately searching for any sign of their friend, was very upsetting. It was a hard feeling to explain, but sadness seemed to sum it up the best.

"She isn't here.." Neil says, out of breath from his frantic searching.
Nadiya sniffles, her eyes becoming watery. "But.. if she's not here, then.. well, where else can we look?" She asks.

Silence. No one knows what to say, what to do. Neil was attempting to answer Nadiya's question; he was thinking of anywhere else Katya could possibly be. And Luba.. she was just thinking; about Katya; about the last time they encountered each other; the overwhelming sense of negativity rushing through her. There wasn't anything she could do that would help to clear her mind.

"Nowhere." Luba says out of the blue. "I mean, where else can we look?"
Despite being caught off guard by Luba's tone of voice, Neil clears his throat before suggesting where to go next. "The police station. Maybe we can't look anywhere else, but they can."

Luba's body goes tense, her muscles seem to tighten and she struggles the breathe. The police? Of course, this ordeal is understandably scary; Nadiya was very close to Katya and Neil spent many years being her husband. But the police? They're not the people Luba expected to be talking to when she woke up this morning. They aren't the people Luba wants to speak to at all.

Nadiya sighs. "If going to the police will... " She trails off as something catches her eye. "What's that? On the wall."

All three dancers walk over, realising that Nadiya was pointing towards a piece of paper that was stuck on the wall. It was a note, presumably one that Katya had left herself. Neil pulls it off the blue tac and examines the paper, his face scrunching up once he realises the writing is in Russian. Immediately, he passes it to Luba, knowing that she's fluent in the language.

Two sets of eyes were firmly set on Luba now, she was expected to read out the paper, but she really didn't want to. She didn't feel up to this detective business, all Luba wanted was to go home and cry into her pillow, pretending the past two months never happened.

Reluctantly holding the note up to her eyes, Luba began to read. "I.. I'm sorry for how everything happened.. I'll be out of your hair for a while.. but.. but I forgive you.." She stumbles through, tears rolling down her face.

Comforting her friend, Nadiya took a whimpering Luba into her arms. Neil looked at the two women with sorrowful eyes - Nadiya was emotional and Luba was nearly inconsolable. He had to keep a level head and be the voice of reason; he was equally as upset as they were, but that wasn't going to bring Katya back. Potentially the only thing that could help them is working out what that note means.

"Obvious question but.. has Katya been in any arguments lately? Like.. bad ones?" Neil asks.
"Not that I know of.. " Nadiya responds, Luba still sobbing on her shoulder. "Besides, who could she have argued with? Everyone we've asked hasn't seen her in months.."

Luba's crying only seem to get worse; there's been so much anxiety rising within her system for the longest time, and this is the first time she's even remotely expressed it. While she doesn't think that now is the best time to have a meltdown, she can't help but feel this way. If only they knew...

"Neil.. I hate to say it, but I think you're right about going to the police.." Nadiya admits. "Absolutely no one has heard anything from her.. and as awful as it is to think about, that note scares me.. what if.."
"No, I know what you mean.." Neil says sombrely.
"I mean, what good are we going to do? Me and you are clueless, Luba's in bits.."
"I know.. I.. I agree. We should go to the police." He announces, clearly sure on his decision.

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