5. 妬ましい (Jealous)

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(M/n) was so scared. He had just seen Light kill someone. He was sure of it. The moment Naomi finished talking to Light she became unresponsive, she wouldn't even talk to him! Why didn't he do enough?! Why couldn't he pin her down on the ground, stop her from leaving? Now she was. . .

He burst into even more tears as he ran. He glanced behind him and his eyes widened when he saw Light hot on his tail. What?! Why was he. . . This made his claim even more valid. He was chasing after him after he'd attempted to stop Naomi from leaving and called him out. He definitely was Kira!

(M/n) was close to his house when he noticed Matsuda. He was humming as he stood outside on their front lawn with a watering-can, watering his plants. (M/n) was so glad to see him there.

He ran straight at the blackette with tears streaming down his cheeks. Matsuda turned just in time to see him but he couldn't prepare himself for the embrace. He stumbled and fell backwards with a thud. (M/n) hid his face into the older male's chest. His body shook violently with each soft cry.

Matsuda didn't know what to do. He reached up and pet his head. "Hey? Jaehyung. . . What's up?" He queried.

"Naomi's dead! All because of me! I didn't protect her or stop her and now she's gone. She's gone forever. I could've done something but I just let her go and now she'll never be able to speak to me again." He whimpered.

He hadn't meant to tell Matsuda all this but it just slipped from his lips. Light had been following him. Would he come out? Maybe he knew Matsuda? Light's father was on the task force too but (M/n) didn't know whether Soichiro discussed what he did at work with his family. He'd just shown Light one of his weaknesses. . .

He'd already lost so many people, he didn't want to lose anymore. So. . . He didn't tell Matsuda what he meant by Naomi being dead, he just carried on rambling things that Matsuda probably wouldn't understand.

"It's my fault. I hurt her. Now she's dead like my father because of me. It's my fault!" He sobbed into his chest. His father had been wrongly accused of his crimes. Light, that sick piece of shit. . . Despite everything that had just occurred, he still felt doubt.

Maybe Light had chased after him because he wanted to tell him that he wasn't Kira? That could be a lie! (M/n) nibbled on his lower lip as his thoughts began to conflict with each other. Was he right about Light being Kira?

"What the hell are you on about?! (M/n), nothing's your fault! Your father's death wasn't your fault. It was those lawyers, the investigators of that case, and every one of those people who accused you of lying. It's all their faults. You aren't to be blamed. They were the ones who made the mistake and were adamant he was the one. Whoever this Naomi woman is, I'm pretty sure you're not to blame either. What do you mean she's dead though? You see something?" He asked.

(M/n) sniffled and didn't answer. Matsuda sighed and despite his curiosity now building about what (M/n) was on about, he decided not to question him any further since he was in such a distressed state. He tried getting up whilst gripping onto him tightly.

Finally, he managed to stand with him close to his chest. "It's okay. I'm here. You might not want to talk about this now. But when you do, I'm here." He whispered, kissing his cheek lightly. (M/n) calmed down and nodded his head. Matsuda smiled softly and gently stroked his cheek and pressing their foreheads together.

Light's POV

Light scowled at the sight in front of him. Why the hell was that investigator so close to Jaehyung? The way he was touching him, he was tempted to storm over and pull them apart. Jae obviously had a crush on him, so why was he getting all touchy with other men?

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