Initiate Trainer or Parent

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I wake up to the sound of Taylin crying. I look over to the clock and see it's only 10:01. I feel Tris's hand be put on my chest and I see her start to sit up.
"I got it." She makes her way off the bed. "Get some rest." And I hear her leave. I fall back to sleep. But Taylin cries about every hour and every time Tris goes and comforts our girl some times for more than an hour. I hear Taylin cry again. It's 3:30. Our alarm is set for 4. I decide to let Tris sleep. She needs it more than me. I see how swollen Tris' leg is so I prop it up with my pillows. I get up, turn our alarm off, and go see my baby girl. I turn the light on and notice she's awake and playing with her arms and legs all giggly.
"Come to daddy." I coo. I hear her laugh again. I reach my arm down and slide it under her. I slowly lift her up and lean her against my chest over the gauze rap and sling and support her back with the other. "Daddy loves you." I see her yawn. I sit in the rocker, lye her in my lap, grab her blankey and her bear off the table by the rocker. I place her paci mouth, hand her her bear, rap her up in her blankey, and rock her to sleep. She looks so much like Tris. I see it's now 3:40. Tris needs to rest. I'm still mad about what Tori said to us. After all we did for Dauntless, she can't let us have some time off because of injury and a baby? I hear Tris get up and walk toward us. I guess that scares Taylin cause she's now crying.
"Shh. It's ok. Daddy has you."
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You needed you rest."
"So do you." Taylin's still crying. "Do you think she's hungry?"
"Maybe." I stand up and help Tris sit down and put her leg up. I see it's still all swollen around the cast opening. I hand her Taylin and help her take off her shirt. Taylin starts eating and I still see how exhausted Tris looks. "Get any sleep?"
"A little." Taylin finishes eating.
"Let me take her. I'll get her ready." Tris hand her over and I burp her.
"Go get ready. I'll get her ready."
"Tris. I'll be fine. Go get ready." I help her up and see her leave. I smell something. "Dose somebody need a diaper change?" I coo. She giggles. I place her on the changing table and start to undress her. Her little hands keep wanting to get in the way. I give her her bear and her paci and resume work. I finally get her changed and put her in a onesie. I put her in her carrier and wrap her up in her blankey and give her her bear. "Let's go see mommy." I coo. She smiles. I grab the carrier and make our way down to my room. I place the carrier on the bed and go change.
"Need some help Tris?" I find her in the bathroom trying to put leggings on wild standing up with crutches
"No. I got it." I take the pants from her."
"Let me help you." I grab her a pair of my sweatpants and squat down and help her start to pull up the pants. They cover her cast nicely. She takes off my sling.
"Thanks." I hand her one of my hoodies. I go to change. She leaves the bathroom. I finish getting ready.
"Ready to go?" I ask.
"Yeah. Who's watching Taylin?"
"Zeek since he's  back in the control room. I put extra diapers, wipes, clothes, paci, and her foldable swing in her bag." I feel her putting my sling on.
"Let's go." We leave. It's now 4:30. Half an hour till we go to wake up initiates. We are now by the pit. "Tobias, how is Zeek going to feed her?"
"Maybe we should stop and pick up some formula?"
"Yeah." We go to the pharmacy and pick up a jar of formula. "We should probably get a couple bottles too."
"Yeah." I grab a package of bottles and go to check out. We reach the control roll and knock on the door.  Zeek opens the door.
"Good to see you."
"Thanks for watching Taylin."
"No problem any time." I hand him her carrier. "By baby girl. We love you." I coo. I kiss her forehead. I see her eyes get big and next thing we know she's screaming.
"Go ahead and go. We got it."
"Thanks man. I owe you." I pay him on the back and leave. We make our way back down from the control room. I don't like using the elevator, but because of Tris' leg we have to. I feel her rub my back. The door opens. I let her go first. I keep my good arm around her in case she slips. We make our way to the initiates dorm.
"Get up! You have 5 minuets to get into the training room." I use my instructor voice. Tris and I leave to the training room. The initiates beet us to the room. "We are your instructors. I'm Four and this is Tris. Zeek and Uriah were your temporary trainers. We will be the ones finalizing your rankings. Any questions?" Several hands fly up. "State your name and your previous faction."
"Blair. I was amity. Would you ever date an initiate?
"No. I'm taken." I show her my fathers ring. "You."
"Jack. Erudite. Would Tris date an initiate?"
"No. She's also taken. Any other questions?" I see a hand. "Yes."
"Susan. Candor. What happened to both of you?" I walk toward her.
"Let me give you a piece of advice. If I wanted to put up with a smart mouth candor, I would of joined candor. Keep you mouth shut. All of you! Am I clear"
I see head nods. "Now give me 50 laps. Each of you. Go!" They now all take off. There's 10 initiates this time.
"Tris. You should sit down." I help her get over to the table and pull over two chairs. I put her crutches on the floor and lower her down. I put her leg in the chair. "Need anything." I see her head shake no. There done. "Today we will be working on knife throwing. Each of you take four knives and line up and begin." They all take off and start throwing.
"Instructed Four! Who's the best knife thrower?"
"That would be Tris. But since she's injured she won't be demonstrating. Get back to work all of you."
We've been at this for four hours now. I hear my phone ring. Zeek. Crap.
"Hey Zeek. What's up?"
"We think Taylin's hungry. How much formula do we put in the bottle?"
"Whatever the bottle says." Probably about half a scoop and fill the bottle about half way. She'll probably stop when she's done."
"Thanks Four." I hand up.
"Listen up!" I hear knives stop being thrown. "Tomorrow we will be practicing shooting. But for now you will continue knife throwing until lunch, then fighting after lunch. Zeek and Uriah left notes about each of you. We'll be pairing you up later. Get back to work." I go to the fridge and pull out ice packs.
"Here Tris." I sit down next to her and it on her knee. I put the other one on my shoulder. Knife throwing continues for a while. It's noon.
"Lunch break. Be back in 20 minuets."
It's now Tris and I. I grab sandwiches out for the two of us and we now eat.
"Zeek left us a list of the pairs. Should we use that?"
"Yeah. We can take that list and rotate one side down."
"Yeah. Let's do that. They should be back any minute." I hear the door open. "We have your pairs. I'm sure you know the rules. You fight till no one can't anymore or one concedes. Here's the groups."
Jack - Susan
Blair - Kendal
Jace - Matt
Luke - Bri
Molly - Emily 
"First up." They enter the ring. "Go." I hear Taylin crying. I turn around. Zeek is holding her.
"She's hungry. She refuses the bottle." He hands her to Tris. She's all rapped up in her blankey. I help Tris pull up her hoodie and help Taylin get underneath.
"She's eating now." I hear Tris say.
"Thanks Zeek. We'll keep her for the rest of the day."
"Do you want her stuff?"
"No. We have her blankey that's all. Thanks." I see him turn and leave.
"Wait here's her bear." He pulls it out of his pocket.
"Thanks Zeek."
"No problem." I see him leave and a room full of initiates staring at us. I see a hand.
"Yes Blair."
"I thought you said you were taken?"
I look at Tris. Time to go public. I lean down to kiss. Right on the lips.
"Get back to fighting." We get through the first two fights when Cristina appears.
"What are you doing here?"
"We finished early with partner fights. Can I hold her? Where is she?"
"Under Tris' shirt. She's still eating."
"Oh. Tonight's capture the flag You guys coming?"
"Don't know yet. Depends on how we feel."
"Ok. Bye." She leaves.
"Ok.  Now it's Jace and Matt." They get into the ring. "Go!" The fighting continues for the next hour. "Your dismissed" I start locking up the knives.
"How ya feeling?"
"Let's go home." I grab Taylin's carrier set it down on the table do Tris can put her in it. I help her up. It's now dinner time. "You hungry?"
"Not really. I just want to rest."
"Ok we can go home." We leave and we get home rather quickly. I help her over to the couch, prop her her up with a stool, and get her ice. She's asleep. I'll let her be. I sit next to her in the couch. I see a smiling Taylin.
"Come to daddy." I coo. I lye her on my lap. She sees mommy. Oh no. Her little fingers out trying to get mommy. No mommy. She try's again. No mommy. I see the tears build in her eyes. The scream comes. Crap. She's hungry. "Shh. Daddy's right here." I give her her paci. She spits it out. "You want your bear?" I lye her across my chest, her head resting in my sling as I grab her bear and walk upstairs. I close the door to her room. I don't want to wake up Tris. Just her small head on my shoulder hurts like crazy. I sit down and rock her. She is content now, hugging her bear. I wish we could just stay home. Tori. She's a dauntless leader she could help us. I'll call Tori.
"Hey Tori."
"Hey Four. What's up?"
"I need your help with something."
"Ok. I'll come over be there in a few."
"Thanks." Taylin's asleep now. I hear the door bell. I hear the scream. She's awake. "Let's go see Auntie Tori." I lean her agains my sling and her down stairs. She's hard to carry cause she keeps squirming and screaming. Crap. My hand full. I squat down to be able to use the arm with the sling's fingers. I got i it. I turn the handle and pull. That was hard and hurt.
"Tori come in."
"Need some help Four? I can take her."
"Thanks. Taylin, go to Auntie Tori." I coo. She reaches out to grab Taylin.
"Hi baby. I'm Auntie Tori." I hear her coo. "Four. What you need my help with?"
"Eric came to us last night unannounced during a personal time and told us we needed to be at work this morning. Look at Tris. She's been through so much and is now trying to raise a baby. She can't be working right now. Can you help us? Please."
"I'll see what I can do. Four. I think she's hungry. Are you gonna feed her?"
"Yeah. She only lets Tris feed her."
"That answers my next question. I'll try. Give me her bottle." I hesitate. "Four."
"I guess I'll have to wake Tris up."
"K." I hear quietly. I see her bouncing her. "How old is she?"
"About a day and a half."
"Four. You three are staying home. Soon. I'm gonna make sure of it."
"Thanks Tori. Feel free to stay and hang out."
"I'm gonna leave actually. I have a meeting to go to. You going to capture the flag?"
"Yeah. Dose Tris have to go?" She hesitates.
"Team Captain is the job of the the instructors. I'm sorry Four. Until there is all clear for both of you to take some time off, your jobs should resume as normal."
"Thanks Tori. Can you watch Taylin tonight then?"
"Sure." I'll meet you at the train tracks."
"Thanks. Bye."
"Bye. I fix this Four." She hands me a still fussy Taylin. I hear the door close.

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