Chapter 4

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We finally got to our stop, and thankfully, since it was 11 o'clock and not tourist season, the subway wasn't too crowded and no one spotted Harry.

"Here we are." I announced as I stood up from my seat and motioned for Harry to do the same. We got out of the wagon and started climbing up the stairs to come to the surface. 

"Wow." Was all Harry said as he saw the Statue of Liberty from afar. 

"And this isn't the final view yet. C'mon." I yanked Harry and directed him towards the ticket booth to get tickets for the ferry.  He kept his head down because he wanted to keep a low profile and be like any regular tourist.

"2 tickets please." I said as I got to the counter. Harry stayed behind me, in a kind of protective way, but mostly to shield his face from the public.

"That'll be $40 dollars." The guy behind the counter spoke. I started to get out my wallet and immediately I felt Harry's hand stop me.

"I got it." He spoke as he handed the guy his credit card and then turned to smile at me while the guy printed the tickets and then handed them to Harry.

"Really? Let me at least pay for my ticket." I said. "It's totally fine, don't worry. It's not like I don't have any money. I'm an international pop star." That last park he whispered straight to my ear, sending shivers all through my spine. 

"Fine, but I'll buy the snacks." I stuck out my hand for him to shake. "Deal." He said while he shook my hand.

"The next ferry leaves in 5 minutes, let's hurry down to the dock so we don't miss it." Then we both started walking in that direction, there were a few people in the area, but it wasn't as crowded as other times I had visited. We made it in time and as soon as we got in the ferry we headed upstairs to the open air area to have a better view. 

"I can't believe I've never been here before." Harry spoke in awe as he held on to the railing and admired the view.

"Neither can I." I said as I joined him. "Will you take my picture? My mom asked me to send her pictures of whatever I was doing, just so she could know that I was safe and I haven't sent her any. And knowing her, she'll start nagging me any second now." I continued as I handed him my phone.

"Sure, I know how moms can be." He took my phone and then started directing me, telling me where to stand and how to pose, claiming that he was an excellent photographer. After a couple of shots he asked "Want to take a selfie? I want to take a picture to remember this moment."

"Yes, that'd be great." He put one of his arms around me and then started snapping pictures of the both of us with the Statue of Liberty as a background. "Do you want me to take a picture of you by yourself?" I asked him.

"Yeah, thank you. I bet my mom will appreciate me sending her pictures of myself, she'll be so happy that I finally get to experience the city like a tourist." He spoke as he got into position and then I took the pictures. "Can you send them to me please?" He asked when I was done. "And the ones with the two of us as well, I want to show my mom that I have my personal tour guide." Harry smiled. Could he be any cuter? 

"Of course, I've just sent them to you."

"Thank you." He smiled as he looked through the pictures. 

We reached Liberty Island and quickly raced to take a better look of the Statue of Liberty up close.

"I actually thought that it was bigger." Harry admitted as we got even closer.

"Me too. The first time I came here I was a little disappointed to be honest. It always looks so big in movies."

"Yeah, it does. Same with the Eiffel Tower. It seems really big but then you get there and it's like meh, it's not that tall."

"Right?" I exclaimed. "It's not that tall either."

"So you've been to Paris?" Harry inquired as we continued our walk towards the Statue to take pictures up close.

"Yes, I've been there two times. And don't kill me for saying this, but it's one of my least favorite places to visit. The people are really rude and they act like they don't understand you when you speak in another language in the tourist places."

"It's not one of my favorite cities either, you're right about the way they treat people. Not very inviting."

"If it wasn't for the people, it would be one of my favorite places, because I'll admit it, it is a really magnificent place, architecture wise."

"It really is." Harry and I finally reached the statue. Again, it wasn't very crowded, since it was mid September and classes were just starting, so it was the low season. Still, Harry kept his head low and tried not to call attention. The sun was starting to finally show, it had been cloudy all morning, so I pulled both of our sunglasses out from my purse and we put them on. I don't think anyone would recognize Harry, you'd have to be staring at him really hard or be a hardcore fan to recognize him. 

"Let's take a picture." Harry said as we got to the front of the statue.

"Sure." I was already pulling my phone out for a selfie when Harry spoke to a guy passing by

"Hi, can you take our picture please?" In this thick american accent, his voice was barely recognizable and I almost couldn't contain my laughter as he spoke. He just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders smiling, showing his cute little dimples. We both got into position and then Harry put his arm around me as we both smiled for the picture.

"Thank you so much." We both spoke in unison as the guy handed us back my phone. 

"No problem." He said before heading his way. 

"Let me see." Harry demanded as he tried to take my phone away from me.

"Okay, okay. No need to snatch the phone, I'll show you. Geez." I spoke as I scrolled through the pictures, they were really good, like really really good. Wish I could post them, we looked amazing.

"Send them, send them." He said while jumping up and down like a little kid who ate way too much sugar.

"I'm going, I'm going." I responded.

I was quite impressed that no one had recognized Harry yet. I couldn't believe that we had ridden the subway and then visited one of the most iconic tourist spots in New York without a single person saying anything to him or stopping him for pictures or something. We were quite lucky.

"Oh my god." I suddenly heard some one whisper quite loudly. And that's when I knew our luck had run out.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? This is how I imagine Harry, being so cute and nice to everyone! Treat people with kindness! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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