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I poured out

all the words

and the draining feeling

is nothing at all

but empty


you can be the crazy

to my psychotic

you can be the sarcasm

to my jokes

you can be the paranoia,

to my black outs

and you can be the real you

to my real me

because you understand,

you get me,

and I get you

in all the crazy messed up world,

with abuse and trauma,

we get each other,

and that's more then anything else


I am a good person

I remind myself

over and over

hoping that I believe it

when will I see

that having self love

will not take away

loving other people

it is not one or the other

black or white

I am good enough

I whisper

but I can't hear myself

through the cry of someone else's

need for help

Make Love
Make love to me

I beg and call out

And you use that as a joke

While you being

The inky person I thought would take it seriously

I call you name out

Into the wind

But no response comes

I look out into the abyss

It calls my name

And as I try to jump

To finally save myself from the pain

You tie me up

So I can see the jump

But not actually fall in

You think this helps

Hurting me

Instead of just giving me the means

To end it all

You think that what I need

Is your company

I have a friend for that

I need to be able to form a relationship

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