Chapter 28

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She walked back in with the guard attached to her side, his hand clamped over her mouth. A surge of anger washed over me, for a reason I wasn't sure I knew.

Being locked away- wasting away in the cells with Durin Day approaching-was angering me greatly. And I felt angry at Tanna.

They gave her special treatment and she accepted it. I knew she was in pain, but did she think the rest of us weren't? I turned my back away from her and tossed the runestone up in the air, catching it quickly.

It grew dark and the rest of the company was asleep. I couldn't sleep, I just sat and caught my stone over and over.

"What was the promise?" Tanna said quietly, her voice hoarse. I knew she was talking about the runestone, but I couldn't find my voice. I wasn't so mad at her anymore, it seemed like a different emotion altogether.

"That I would return to her. She worries. She thinks I'm reckless." I said with a smile.

"Are you?" Tanna asked softly.

I looked at her through the dark, shaking my head. "Nah." There was the laughter of Elves in the distance and I looked out of my cell, in the direction of the laughter. "Sounds like quite a party they're having up there."

"It is Mereth-en-Gilith, the Feast of Starlight." Tanna murmured longingly. "All light is sacred to the Eldar, but Wood Elves love best the light of the stars."

"I've always thought it is a cold light, remote and far away." I mused honestly.

"It is memory, precious and pure. Like your promise." she said, her voice dreamy. "I had walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air."

Her face shined and shimmered with light. She looked absolutely divine, like a goddess of the stars. She looked like pure starlight.

She was like memory: precious and pure.



"I saw a fire moon once." he said suddenly, all apparent anger gone. It rose over the pass near Dunland, huge; red and gold it was, filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin, they were trading in Silverback for furs."

His eyes were filled with memory, the vividness of that glowing moon. A fire moon. "We took the Greenway south, keeping the mountain to our left, and then, this huge fire moon, right in our path. I wish I could show you, Tanna..."

We continued to talk softly until we fell asleep, right in the middle of our conversation.


"I'll wager the sun is on the rise." Bofur said loudly. "It must be nearly dawn."

"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori said pessimistically.

I closed my eyes, wanting to slam my head against the wall. "Not stuck in here, you're not." Bilbo's voice said. My eyes shot open and I moved quickly to the front of the cell.

"Bilbo?!" I hissed excitedly. The other dwarves weren't as quiet.

"Bilbo!" Balin said loudly.

"Shh! There are guards nearby!" he hissed, shutting everyone up quickly. He began to unlock the cells, starting at the other end first. He reached my cell last.

The door had barely swung open when I was enveloped in Kili's arms, delivering a bone crushing hug to me.

"Ribs are still healing." I reminded, making him release me quickly; his were eyes wide, thinking he had hurt me. I grinned, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly again.

"I missed you." he whispered into my ear. I smiled, burying my head into his shoulder.

"I was 5 feet away from you." I murmured, looking at him with a soft smile.

"Unless you're right next to me, it's too far." he answered, his eyes softening but looking at me with truthful intensity.

"I missed you too." I breathed, brushing my thumb across his cheek. He placed his hand over mine, but the moment was quickly ruined.

"Not that way, down here. Follow me." Bilbo said, leading the company downwards. Kili and I were the last to move, his hand still clutching mine.

"Wait." he said, pulling my hand, separating us from the group. I didn't know what was happening until his lips brushed mine softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me as our lips fused together.

It was a searing kiss, days and days of buildup pouring out in one single moment. He pulled back and blushed fiercely before hurrying to catch up with the group, leaving me to do the same.

I easily caught up to the dwarves and melded into the back of the group. I couldn't see Kili anywhere, obviously trying to avoid me. I had no time to think about why; getting out of the Woodland Realm was the most important thing at that moment.

We hurried along, finally ending up in a wine cellar. The Elves that were supposed to be watching everything were fast asleep, several bottles of empty wine on the table in front of them. I scoffed quietly; some Elves were gluttons.

"This way!" Bilbo hissed softly.

"I don't believe it; we're in the cellars!" Kili cried quietly from the front of the group, making my heart lurch in pain. I should not have kissed him. It was a mistake.

Angry whispers began to float about the company. "You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur said angrily.

"I know what I'm doing!" Bilbo defended himself loudly, making everyone cringe and cast nervous glances at the still-sleeping Elves.


"This way." Bilbo led us into a large room; barrels stacked sideways in the middle of it. I let out a surprised gasp of understanding.

"Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" Bilbo commanded. The dwarves looked unsure.

"Are you mad?! They'll find us!"

"No, no, they won't, I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me." Bilbo pleaded. I took a step closer to Kili and grabbed his arm before he could get away.

"Are we going to talk about it?" I whispered, a bit harshly.

He didn't even turn to look at me. "It was a mistake; forget it. Why don't you go find your elf-boy?" he snapped.

I let go of him, anger flooding my veins. From a close distance, sounds of a commotion reached us. "Do as he says." Thorin boomed, all of us jumping into barrels. Bilbo walked along and counted, making sure everyone was accounted for.

"What do we do now?" Bofur piped up. Bilbo walked toward a lever in the ground as I gulped.

"Hold your breath."

"Hold my breath? What do you mean?" Bofur asked. Bilbo pulled down on the lever and the floor opened, sending the barrels rolling into a river.


I'm the worst with the slow updates, school is just crazy busy! enjoy this Kili-Tanna moment (:

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