Chapter 1

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In birth, they will be bound. Daughters born of Night and Day. Two Queens with the magic of darkness and light. Only the mightiest will wear the crown. Darkness will fall upon the land, bringing death and war. A curse put upon the world and peace will be no more.

An ear-splitting scream pierced through the air, echoing through the corridors of the stone white palace. The sound of heavy footfalls echoed after the sound as the Fae King, Dyron, paced before the two heavy wooden doors. Those doors were the only thing separating him from his mate. Candlelight lit the darkroom, casting dancing shadows across its floors and walls.

Fae births were difficult and rare, the King could not help but feel responsible for the pain the Queen was in. A second cry tore through the palace as his mate screamed in pain. Dyron gritted his teeth. With a growl, he threw open the heavy doors and moved towards his mate.

A small body flung itself in front of him, in an attempt to block his path. Dyron growled at the midwife who, to her credit, did not flinch at the beastly sound. He did not wait for the midwife to attempt to scold him or order him to leave. Instead, he pushed past her, coming to kneel by his mate's side. 

Queen Lyria gave her mate a weak forced smile. Sweat beaded on her forehead and drenched her nightdress. 

"I am sorry, my love," Dyron whispered onto Lyria's brow before placing a gentle kiss upon it. 

"Whatever for?" the Queen smiled meekly, her eyes sparkling with laughter. Dyron's own smile was whipped from his face as Lyria squeezed her dark eyes closed and let out another cry of pain. Her grip on his hand crushed his fingers but he did not mind. 

"Push, my Queen," The eldest of the midwives instructed her. The King held his mate's gaze as the sounds of her cries were replaced with the soft wails of a baby.

"A female!" the youngest of the midwives exclaimed. Her wings fluttered sporadically as she approached the still crying child held out to her. Carefully she wrapped the princess in a warm cloth, before placing her in the King's waiting arms. King Dyron cradled the small baby, holding her close to his chest. The baby's cries quieted as she looked up at her father with bright silver eyes. Dark wisps of black hair covered her small head. The King's attention was pulled back to his mate as another scream broke from her lips.

"What is wrong?" The King looked helplessly between the midwives present.

"There is a second child, my King," The eldest midwife said, the King chose to ignore the grave tone of her voice. Two children? The King could not believe the joyous news. One was rare enough, but two at once was a gift. He beamed with pride as he smiled down at his mate. Her face was also alight with joy.

The Queen's screams were louder this time. She gripped Dyron's arm, squeezing tightly. Sweat soaked her beautiful face as she stared up at him in pain. 

The glow of the rising sun began to fill the room, decorating it in pinks and orange light. The Queen bared her teeth in pain, but soon the soft cries of a second child filled the room. The King did not take his eyes from his mate until her grip on his arm softened and her face relaxed. 

"Another female, my King," one of the midwives said much quieter this time. The youngest of the group stared wide-eyed at the brightening sky behind them. None of the midwives spoke.

The second child was carefully placed in the Queen's arms. Identical to the first, but in place of dark curls were wisps of white hair crowning her small head.

"Maeve and Titania," she whispered the Princess's names as she stared down at her perfect daughter. The King sat in the chair beside her bed, cradling Maeve, the first-born daughter. The Queen's voice was tired, yet still strong despite the labor that she had just endured.

"My Queen, you must rest," one of the Midwives insisted, the first to even utter a word since the second daughter's birth had been announced. The Queen shook her head no. "I want to hold my daughters," she replied.

"We need to call for a healer, just in case," The King whispered handing her Maeve. His mate just nodded as she held both daughters close to her chest and closed her eyes. The twin Princesses reached out, their tiny fingers gripping onto one another as they held hands. The Queen closed her eyes as she finally began to rest.

Dyron rose, once he was sure she was fast asleep. Leaning down, his lips grazed the top of her forehead. She was hot to the touch, a fever already settling in her. How had he not realized how weak she had become? The King could not keep his voice low as he roared to the midwives slowly gathering their things, "Get a healer now!"

Not even his shouts roused the Queen from her sleep. The King tried to gently shake his mate awake, as a midwife pulled the twins from their mother's arms. The Princesses screamed as she took them away from the room. 

The King's shakes became stronger and stronger as tears began to stream down his face. 

"Lyria!" he called her name, but she did not open her eyes. 

Kneeling by her side, he pulled her limp body into his arms. The King reached out with his own magic, trying to sense her power, but it was gone. 

Healers rushed into the room, but the King did not move from her bedside. They were too late. 

King Dyron did not make a sound as tears washed down his face. He did not respond when the healers informed him that she had died in her sleep. They did not have to tell him. He felt the life leave her body, felt the mating bond sever. The only sound he could hear was the mourning bells ringing throughout the city and the twin cries of his newborn daughters, one born that day and one born that night.

 The only sound he could hear was the mourning bells ringing throughout the city and the twin cries of his newborn daughters, one born that day and one born that night

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