Bio and Harem (edited)

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Name: Y/N L/N
Age: 18
Looks: you

Like: his friends,his adopted family,his harem, Venom,Beacon,his pets,revenge,fighting,sex

Hate: CDRL,SSSN,white fang,Adam, Ironwood,Atlas,Jacques,Whitley,bullies,Yang,Tai,Weiss,racist,his ex

Personality: (before Venom) weak loyalty scared smart funny ( After Venom) funny brave loyalty dangerous flirty strong intelligent happy

Backstory: your parents abandoned you at a young age of 7 after a year you were adopted by the Parker family. Being a brother to Peter Parker who help train you after you discover he was spiderman and promised to keep it a secret. After he trained you. You got a spot in Beacon. You weren't the strongest just above weak just barely though. You were bullied and abused for 5 months till you find out that your girlfriend cheated on you causing you to leave Beacon.

Powers: anything Venom can do and more. You also have a special gift as you can't really did but still feel pain.

Semblances: " Element control"

Ruby Rose
Blake Bellabooty I MEAN BELLADONNA!!
Joan arc (Female Jaune) or Jean
Pyrrha Nikos
Glynda Goodwitch
Ozmina (Female Ozpin)
Coco Adel
Velvet Scarlatina
Summer rose
Willow Schnee
Winter Schnee
Cinder Fall
Roma Torchwick ( Female Roman Torchwick)
Emerald Sustrai
Penny Polendina.

Ok these are in the Harem. However if there someone you want in the harem ask and we will see. Also I want you guy to pick people from the marvel universe. Like Black cat I will probably add her anyway vote here.

Once I start this it going to be hard to add anymore to the harem so..please ask and I will try so thank you.

(Edited) Sorry forgot to mention if you want Venom to be Female and I the harems.

There no me no you only we! (Bullied and abused Venom male reader x Rwby harem) Where stories live. Discover now