An Attack on Beacon/Symbiote Yangdere killing spree

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( Rwby is owned by Mounty Oum and Rosters Teeth, Venom is owned by Stan Lee and Sony)

Krull was at a Graveyard.

Krull: Hehehe~

He looks at the graves word.

Jacques Schnee.

Whitney Schnee.

He licked his lips and picked up Both coffin.

He then telaported to a different graveyard.

He walked up to another Grave.

Ghira Belladonna.

Krull scratched the last name so it.

Ghira Belladick.

Krull then licked his lips again.

He then pulled out the coffin.

He then telaported to the lab that Ironwood had.

He walked up to see Vials of Blood.

Each had there own labels name.


Pyrrha Nikos



Ruby Rose

Roma Torchwick

Blake Belladonna.

Weiss Schnee

Adam Taurus

Cinder Fall

Glynda Goodwitch.

You get the idea.

They all have the blood of people from the white fang and Huntman that are retired like summer. Even people from Beacon.

Krull: Don't Need a body to create Symbiote....although I prefer it that way~

Grab a the ones he wanted and telaported to the same place he.....



Krull: Not yet Yang....but.

He walked up and licked her face.

Krull: You can go look.

He opened her cage.

Krull: I don't care what you do. Go "Yang" the world~

Yang let out a psychopath laughs and ran out.

He opened up Jacques,Whitney and Ghira Coffins.

Krull: Why the fuck is Jacques head missing?

Oh who cares.

He brought Whitney to the Table and licked his face.

Krull: Hehehe~ Time for more~

He gave two blood Vile to a Symbiote.

Krull: You know what to do.

The Symbiote nods and did as it was told.

Krull: Now where were we~

- At Beacon -

You woke up with Joan very close to you.

You kissed her head and she smiles and opened her eyes.

Joan: Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning.

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