A Wonderful Reunion with a little chaos / Shopping will be the Death of Us.

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( disclaimer I don't own Rwby that belong to Mounty Oum and Rosters teeth. Venom is owned by Stan Lee and Sony.)

Yesterday was a weird day.

Let's see. You.....man so much shit yesterday.

Ok ok. You battled Ironwood ( While showing the whole school your manhood because Venom didn't tell you you weren't wearing pant's)

Ruby has Bonded and became a host to Anti-Venom....don't know how she able to stand the whole eating head thing.

And Venom has her way last night....oh and Carnage pleasure her host again. according to Pyrrha it something Carnage likes to do.

Y/N woke up with the sun shining brightly and Pyrrha in his arm while feeling something on his face.

Y/N: What the?

He moved his hand to feel what it is and he felt something soft.

Y/N: Hmmmm.

He grab it and squeeze it.

Y/N: Nice and juicy.

He squeezed it again.

Y/N: Wait....that a brea.....

He opened his eyes to see Neo on him with her breast pressed against his face and naked.

Y/N: ( Don't panic. Don't panic)

Venom: Hehehe you want to feel the ass again do you?

Y/N: ( Yes feel the ass and....DAMN IT VENOM STOP FUCKING UP MY HEAD.)

Venom: Never~

He got up waking up Neo and Pyrrha day in the  process.

Pyrrha: Mmmm y/n back in bed I'm still tired.

Y/N: Parents day.

Pyrrha:Yea......WAIT WHAT!!!

Pyrrha instantly got up and immediately started to get dress.

Neo tap on Y/N should and bring up the board.

Neo: You like what you see~

Y/N: I love you Neo.

You kissed her lips and she kissed back but she still has that smirk.

Y/N: What?

Venom: Indeed he has 600 Times~

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Venom: Indeed he has 600 Times~


Venom: Just the truth love.

Y/N: She didn't need to know that!!!

He look at Neo to see her very red face and smiling like a maniac.

Venom: I think I went too far this time.


He then ran out the door with Neo hot on his tail with her smiling crazy with no clothes might I add.

There no me no you only we! (Bullied and abused Venom male reader x Rwby harem) Where stories live. Discover now