A Very Toxin day will make you Scream

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( I don't own Rwby that belong to Mounty Oum and Rosters teeth. Venom is owned by Stan Lee and Sony.)

As Morning came it was a new day. Y/N woke up with Pyrrha in his arms.

Pyrrha decided to never leave your side ever so she basically moved to your dorm.

Ozmina was alright with it.

You look to see Neo already up and getting ready.

Y/N got up making Pyrrha whine a little before realizing that it school day and got up and ready.

Y/N: How you feeling Neo?

Neo smiles and try's to speak but no sounds came out making her upset.

Y/N: I love you too Neo. I don't need to hear you to understand you.

Neo smiles before hearing a voice.

???: Almost done mistress. Soon you will be able to talk.

Neo looks around a little bit before just walking to Roma class to help her get ready.

As they were getting ready. Team JNPR we're getting ready minus Pyrrha as she was already with Y/N.

Nora was sleeping when she heard a Voice.


Nora instantly opened her eyes and she ran out of the dorm and into the cafeteria.

Nora: PANCAKE!!!!!!!

Y/N shook a little.

Pyrrha: What wrong love?

Y/N: I just have a feeling that I have a grandchild and it crazier than Carnage.

Venom: You too?

As you were entering Roma class who Neo was already there and they smiled at you.

Roma: Nice to see you here early.

Y/N: I'm always early.

Pyrrha: Even before Venom you are.

Roma kiss his lips and told him to sit down.

Soon the class filled in and Roma started out.

Roma: Ok time for a little fun.

Yang: YES!!!!!

Roma: SIT DOWN!!!

Yang instantly sit back down.

Roma: Well on your desk you have some weapon parts. Make something useful.

Ruby was instantly on her weapon and it was already installed and Ruby Crescent Rose was now able to light on Fire.

Ruby: I'm done miss Torchwick.

Roma: Already? But it been 2 minutes.

Ruby: I'm a weapon freak.

Roma: Explains how your weapon is so powerful.

Yang was making a supersonic noise weapon just in case if she ran into any Symbiote.

Blake on Y/N suggestion was making a cloak for her weapon so I will not be visible when she doing a sneak attack.

Pyrrha was working with Y/N who was help her and already made a weapon change.

Pyrrha: I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

They kiss and Venom heard Weiss whince and Yang growling.

Weiss:....I don't think I can get him back....I'm sorry Y/N I was so ungrateful and horrible to you.

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