(Epilogue) A New Kingdom and The L/N Family

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( Disclaimer Rwby is owned by Mounty Oum and Rosters Teeth, Venom is owned by Stan Lee and Sony)

- 18 years later-

In your huge mansion you were sleeping.

???: Wake up honey.

You opened your eyes to see your first wife Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hey.

Y/N: Hey beautiful~

You both kissed.

Pyrrha: Hehe you looks good for someone in there 30's.

Y/N: You do too.


Y/N: Pyrrha your 35.

Pyrrha: I still look like I'm 26.

Carnage: With is you age a lot slower.

They heard a cry.

Pyrrha: I'm coming Lily.

Pyrrha picked up a 2 year old baby girl.

Lily was yours and Pyrrha 2 child. She looks like a female you if you were being honest.

You got up and kissed both their head before walking to Ida room.

Y/N: Ida wake up.

Ida: Noooooo~

Y/N: Alright if you want miss the heads.

Ida: IM UP!!

Y/N: ( Hehehe~ works every time)

You walked back and puts on your trench coat with your symbol on it.

Pyrrha: I like seeing you wear that.

Y/N: Well it school year.

Pyrrha: I know Ida is going to be amazing.

You all came downstairs to see Neo and Ruby cooking breakfast.

Neo: Hey master.

Ruby: Hey honey.

You walked up to them and kissed their heads.

Y/N: Where are the others?

Neo: Roma and Cinder went the school early to prepare. Winter,Willow, Ozmina and Salem are at the school keeping the kids in line.

Y/N: And they others?

Ruby: That all we know at the moment.

You nod and Ida came downstairs.

Ida: Mmmmmmm~ Heads~

Ruby: stop drooling I just cleaned up.


Pyrrha: Ida.

Ida: Sorry mother Ruby.

She sat down on the table while Ruby walks to you.

Ruby: Please tell me we were like this when we met. PLEASE!!!

Y/N: I'm pretty sure I was shy.

Anti-Venom: COOKIE!!!

Ruby instantly was gone and then came back with lots of Cookies.

Y/N: Even after 18 years you never change.

- Later -

You sat on the bullhead looking over stuff for your School.

Ruby: I'm bored.

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