Revenge so sweet yet so short. Let start a Riot.

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( I don't own Rwby that belong to Mounty Oum and Rosters teeth. Venom is owned by Stan Lee and Sony thank you for correcting me I will go back and set the other right.)

Y/N woken up in a strange way. Well Pyrrha was cuddling him yes that normal since she and him are dating and are boyfriend and girlfriends.

Well if you count Carnage,Venom and Neo cuddling him as normal then we have to talk.
( Because I'm jealous lol)

Y/N: Umm..

Venom: Morning Y/N~

Y/N: What the fuck just happened?

Venom: Oh don't deny you love this~


Venom: Hehehe~

Venom went back into Y/N body and he got up waking up Pyrrha and Neo in the process.

Pyrrha: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Morning love.

She kissed his lips and Neo pouted at the sight.

Carnage: HUNGRY!!!!!

Pyrrha leap in fear.


Carnage: Sorry.

Y/N: Like mother like daughter.

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Venom: HUNGRY!!!

Y/N Lean forward fast.

Pyrrha: Sorry I ask.

Y/N: It fine now let get dress.

They went and got dress in their school uniform.

Venom: I hate this uniform on you Y/N.

Y/N: Join the club.

Pyrrha: It not so bad.

Y/N: I'm not used to wearing a suit your used to wearing a dress.

Pyrrha: Ok point taken.

You two ate at the cafeteria and went into Port class.

Y/N: Great...and I'm getting detention for doing nothing again!

Pyrrha: Dont worry it will be alright I will wait for you.

everyone was now in class except Rwby.

Y/N: I wonder where they are?

Joan: I don't know?

Ozmina walked into the classroom.

Ozmina: Your probably wondering where is Professor Port is?

Ozmina: Professor Port is calling in sick today so Miss Torchwick will be taking over the class for today.

Pyrrha: What got him sick?

Ozmina: I don't know.

Carnage: Ask father.

The both of them look at Y/N.

Y/N: What?

Pyrrha: What did you do?


- 1 hour ago-

Venom: HUNGRY!!!!

Port: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The bell ring.


He walked away and Port pass out.

There no me no you only we! (Bullied and abused Venom male reader x Rwby harem) Where stories live. Discover now