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THE FOLLOWING WEEK AFTER THEY ALL MOVED TO THE MANSION, Natalia was walking along the garden, it was almost lunch time.

Nat's eyes started to ache, she closed her eyes hoping the pain would go away, but it didn't help. She opened her eyes once more, suddenly violent blasts of energy shot from her eyes, making a large hole in the ground.

"Nat! Are you okay?" Charles asked, she couldn't really focus on his question.

"My abilities...They're getting out of control...I can't control them anymore." Nat's face looked red and puffy.

"I'll do something about it. Just cover your eyes." Charles then pulled out a piece of cloth and tied it around her head, covering her eyes.

"Don't ask why I have that. It's fine, I'll lead you inside and I'll ask Hank if he can do anything about it." Charles spoke telepathically.

They headed inside, Nat had lost control over her powers. Charles had slowly lead her to the living room to get some help.

"What happened?" Darwin asked, as the rest of the group stood up.

"She lost control over her powers, she'll be able to gain her control back tomorrow. For now we need something or someone to allow her to see." Charles sighed.

"What if we try and get her to open her eyes? For the blast to be less violent, we need to use up all it's energy." Nina suggested, now concerned.

Hank sighed. "Let's try the bunker."

"Is this the bunker?" Nat asked, almost tripping

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"Is this the bunker?" Nat asked, almost tripping.

"Yeah. Don't worry." Charles reassured.

"Let's see if it could help your aim, or release the energy." Nina smiled.

Charles, Nina, Raven and Ashley all went to the side. While Alex however, decided to help her.

"Is this the right way?" Nat turned to the right, her eyes closed tightly.

"No, over here." Alex redirected Nat's view straight at the mannequin, putting his arms around her waist to secure she didn't hit any one else.
"Do you trust me?"

"I do." Nat smiled.

Alex removed the cloth on her face. "You can open your eyes now."

Nat opened her eyes as beams of energy shot out of her eyes, switching from blue and red. She immediately closed her eyes, the group was cheering.

The bunker door suddenly opened to Hank with a pair of glasses. Ruby Quartz to be exact. Hank gave Nat the glasses as she was barely able to put it on.

She opened her eyes. She could see again.

"Thanks a lot, Hank." Nat patted his back.

"It's what I do." Hank smiled.

𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐑 ▷ Alex Summers ! ✓Where stories live. Discover now