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EVERYONE peeped out of the window while Sean sat on the other window sill on with his head held high. Nat was up and early since she didn't have to wear her glasses anymore.

"Now remember, scream as hard as you can." Charles patted Sean's back.

"You need the sound waves to be supersonic. Catch them at the right angle, and they should carry you." Hank reassured.

"They should carry me. That's reassuring." Sean turned to Hank.

"Good luck. And don't forget to scream." Charles smiled.

Sean quietly prayed before jumping and then screaming, causing him to only fall.

"Oh my God! Sean!" Nat looked down from the window.


"So, Hank and Charles are out here?" Alex asked.

Nat nodded. "Yup. We're next."

They walked outside and spotted both Charles, Hank, and Nina looking out of breath.

Alex smirked. "Impressive, Hank. With feet like those, all you need is a red nose." He patted Hank's back jokingly. "Right Bozo?"

"I'm done here."

Natalia gave Alex a punch to the shoulder.

"What was that for?" Alex chuckled.

"Don't be an ass." Nat ruffled his hair.

"Thank you, Alex." Charles remarked, sarcastically.

"Hank's gonna be back with new models of your stuff in no time, y'all are up next." Nina shrugged, walking away.


"Since you don't have your glasses, I can trust that you can control your aim, Nat." Charles raised an eyebrow.

"I'll try and see."

Nat walked to the very back of the room, completely concentrated on hitting the middle mannequin.

Blasts of blue friction energy then shot out of her eyes, perfectly lighting  the mannequin on fire.

"Yes!" Nat cheered.

"You did pretty good." Alex smiled.


Hank soon came in with Alex's supposed new model of a part on his suit. Alex was in doubt like he explained to Nat earlier, but still went with it even if the other time didn't go so well.

"Wonderful work Hank, thank you very much. All right Alex, I want you to hit the X." Charles said, standing near the mannequin's left, as Hank stepped near it's right.

"No, no, no. Hank, I want Nat over here, just for a little challenge." Charles smirked, as Nat and Hank switched places.

"And try not to hit Nat, there's a good champ." Charles said.

"You're serious?" Alex's eyes widened.

"We're very serious." Charles smiled.

"I have complete and utter faith in you." Nat smiked, Alex straightened up a bit, realizing the big risk.

His red plasma beams shot out of his chest, perfectly hitting the 'X', and lighting the mannequin on fire.

Alex grinned widely and laughed.

Nat was incredibly impressed and smiled uncontrollably, so did Charles and Hank.

"Am I still a Bozo?" Hank smirked.

"Yes, Hank. You're still a Bozo. But nice job." Alex smiled.

"Good job, both of you. This is over. We're gonna have a group training tomorrow. I'm gonna go find Erik now." Charles gave both of them a reassuring look before leaving the bunker.

"I guess we're both ready wreck Shaw's crew?" Nat raised an eyebrow.

"I know so." Alex smiled as the two walked out of the bunker and parted their separate ways.

Nat headed to the kitchen to find Raven treating herself to a few granola bars and some coffee, for training.

"Charles told me about how you and Alex got control of your powers. And that Alex got control over his, specifically thanks to you. Is that true?" Raven chuckled.

"Yeah, I mean Charles and Hank were also a part of it." Nat shrugged.

Raven laughed. "I don't need to be a mega genius like Hank or Charles to know you've got a thing for Alex. He's probably really in love with you too." Raven smirked, putting one more sugar cube in her coffee. "You should tell him, he's probably gonna do it first, but there's no harm in trying." Raven picked up her cup of coffee and a few granola bars and left the kitchen.

Oh my God . . . Nat's mind was racing. She did gain some feeling like Raven said. She just didn't know if it was the right time, in the middle of . . . Shaw and everything.

"Take your time, Nat." Moira said, from behind her.

"You too?" Nat frowned.

"I'm not rushing you." Moira smirked before heading out of the kitchen.


Nat was in the study, reading a few books to remove stress. She didn't wanna take Raven's jokes seriously but, that time, didn't really feel like a joke. The silence in the room was broken by the door opening.

Nat looked up from her book to see Alex standing at the doorway. "Hey, uh. Raven told me you'd be here."

"What is it?" Nat smiled, placing her book down on the table in front of her.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I got pretty bored." Alex then took a seat on the chair in front of her.

"So, what did . . . Uhh . . . Raven tell you?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

Raven . . . Why? "Oh. She was asking me on my doubts about Shaw." Nat lied.

"I mean, the subject kinda got to . . . Uh. Dating . . ." Nat cleared her throat.

"What boyfriends and stuff? If you were single?" Alex out his hands in his pockets.

"I was, so she was insisting some idea. But I'm not sure." Nat crossed her arms.

"If anyone would date you? I have to admit, you're really pretty. Why would you think so?" Alex stared at Nat for a bit.


Moira then entered the room. "You two! The president is about to make his statement."


"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile, crossing the embargo line, that surrounds Cuba, as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States."

"Requiring a full retaliatory response. Upon the Soviet Union

The speech being heard on the TV caused them to go on a little worry.

Erik pointed the gun at the TV. "That's where were going to find Shaw."

"How do you know?" Alex turned to Erik.

Charles sighed. "Two super powers facing off, and he wants to start World War III. He won't leave anything to chance."

"So much for diplomacy. I suggest you all get a good nights sleep tomorrow night." Erik said, walking out of the room.


One more day till the final battle on Cuba! I hope you guys have been enjoying this series so far! Looking forward to finishing it :) !

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