Chapter 19

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Jennifer's POV: 

I am on my way home now and I can't quite contain my excitement of showing this dress to Josh. I know we don't live together but I call his home and my home ours, I don't know why I just do. As I pull up into the driveway I grab the dress out of the car along with my handbag, almost falling up the stairs. I barge through the front door, almost knocking Josh over, "Woah steady down tiger, what's got you all excited?" "I just can't wait for you to see this dress, can I please show you now, pleeease?" I start to beg even though I don't have to. "Fine go and try it on." "Thanks Joshy, I love you." "I love you to Jen." I give Josh a quick kiss and run up the spiral staircase to our room. 

When I get there I place my dress on the bed and lock the door. I can't help but to admire this dress, I love it and I can't wait for Josh to see me now and when I look prettier for the premiere. While I'm looking at this dress I can't help but to think about what my wedding day is going to be like and what my dress will be like. Of course I want to get married to Josh and I'm pretty sure he wants to marry me. After thinking about my future wedding I start to get the dress out of the bag. I get undressed and slip on the dress, I add the silver heels and walk over to the mirror. I absolutely love this dress, it's perfect.

I open the door and yell down stairs "Josh can I come down now?" "Yes of course." "Well can you close your eyes?" "Yes honey, now get downstairs so I can see how hot you look in your dress." I slowly walk down the stairs, carefully trying not to trip. When I get down I stand infront of Josh, "you can open your eyes now." He opens his eyes, he gasps when he sees me and covers his mouth. "Do I look okay, I mainly picked this dress because I thought you would like it, so do you?" "I don't like Jen." I frown but then look up and see him with tears in his eyes, "I love it." "Oh my gosh, Josh you had me so worried." "I'm sorry, its just you look so pretty and beautiful and gorgeous and hot and sexy all in one and I can't believe I get to call you mine." I then start to get tears in my eyes, I walk up to him and hug him. "Josh why are we crying, aren't we supposed to me happy?" We both start to laugh, he looks me in the eyes and kisses me, this kiss is filled with so much passion and love, this kiss shows how much we really love each other. 

We then pull apart and he whispers in my ear, "I can't wait to rip that dress off you after the premiere and show you how much I really love you." I smack him lightly but then whisper back, "me neither."


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter! 

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted for like a month, its just school has been really busy and stressful, but the good news is that holidays is in a week, so that means I can post more!

Please like, vote and add to your library, it would mean alot!

Also, RIP to Phillip Hughes, you cricket legend, we will miss you and you will stay in our hearts forever.


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