Chapter 23

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Jennifer's POV:

"You're dating him now?" Is what I keep reading over and over in my head.

Josh texted me earlier and I'm to scared to reply. I'm not even sure what Chris and I are. I guess we are friends who are almost girlfriend and boyfriend?

I'm not really sure but I want to find out.

It's been two hours and I still haven't replied to Josh's text. I love Josh with all of my heart but I stuffed up real bad and I have to move on.

An hour later and I still haven't replied.

Holy Cow am I a baby. Jennifer just suck it up and reply.

"Yeah we are dating so what? Like you care." I click send.

I read my text again, fuck I can't believe I sent that. Fuck I'm so stupid oh my god.

Can I take it back?


It's been an hour and he has read it but still hasn't replied. It's eating me alive.

It's been three hours now and still no reply. Will he please just reply and put me out of my misery.

As I'm waiting I go and grab a slice of pizza left over from last night and pop it into the microwave. I pace around the kitchen waiting for it to heat up. Once I hear the ding I grab my pizza and go and sit on the couch, and that's when I get the reply from Josh.

"Jennifer how can you say that? I care because I loved you with all of my heart, I still do and I really thought you did to. But I have never been so wrong, you have already moved on."

This text brings tears to my eyes.

He still loves me, after everything I have done? He is to good for me.

"Of course I love you, I've never stopped. I just thought you hated me. I promise you Chris and I aren't dating. I just got pissed of for no reason. I'm sorry. I love you."

I send the text and out my phone down just hoping that maybe he will reply, or maybe just maybe forgive me.

Just as I'm about to watch John Tucker must die I hear my laptop signalling that I have a Skype call.

I get up from the couch and grab my laptop. It's Mum.

I answer the call and quickly plop back down into the couch.

"Hey Mum" I say as I see her face pop up onto the screen.

"Hey Jen, how are?"

"I've been better." I'm not going to lie because I know I can tell my mum anything and I know she will keep it a secret.

"Jen please be honest with me, is it true that your are dating that Chris Martin guy?"

"Well we went on date but I don't think we are officially dating."

"Jennifer you know I want you to be happy but he just got out of a divorce and has two children. Also he is almost forty and you are only twenty four, it will take you at least five years to settle down so he will be old when you have children and that's just a little gross. But if that's what you want then go for it."

Wow I never knew my mum had that much to say. Maybe I should tell her about his I feel about Josh and what as been going on between us.

I tell her the whole Josh and I thing. She looked pretty shocked but then a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Oh gosh Jen, I'm going to be honest you are very stupid for cheating on him. But I know it was an accident and by the sounds of it you both really love each other."

"I love him mum I really do."

"Do you think he could be the one?"

"I really do mum, I really do." I let out a small shy smile and so does she.

"I'm really happy for you honey. So when are you coming back to Kentucky next?"

"Thanks mum. I should be back in the next month or so, I really miss you and everyone."

"Well everyone misses you to Jen. It's getting late you should be getting to bed. I'll talk to you soon love. I love you.

"I love you too mum. Bye."

"Bye honey."

I end the call and shut my laptop. I run upstairs and take a quick shower, and change into some warm pyjamas. I go back down and lay on the couch to start watching my movie.

John Tucker must die is one of my favourites. I use to watch it all the time but then I got really busy. After the movie has finished I decided to watch Dumb and Dumber. Which is my absolute favourite movie in the world.

After the second movie is finished I notice how tired I am so I decided to head up to bed. Before I do I turn of the heater and pack everything I was using away.

As soon I get into bed it starts to bucket down with rain so I snuggle further down in the covers. Just as I get warm and am about to fall asleep I hear a loud knock at the door.

Who could be here at this time of night? I groan and hop out of bed I sheepishly and dizzily walk down the stairs. The person keeps knocking and I yell at then angrily that I will be there in a second.

I search for the light switch on the wall and turn it on. I take a quick look at myself in the mirror and see how hideous I look. But right now I really don't care about how I look. I just want to go back to bed.

I continue down the hallway and into the kitchen. I get to the door and cautiously open it.

What is he doing here?



Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like two months. I had terrible writers block.

But to make it up to you I wrote a longer chapter!

I'm not sure if I want to continue this story but oh whale. 🐳

Also thanks for 19.8k reads that's nuts!

10 comments for the next chapter!

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