♦️Chapter 14♦️

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Keith sat in the room for a few daboshes, getting worried for Lotor. What if he's hurt? What if he loss to a fight.

What if he died?! Keith gasped in fear at the thought of Lotor dying. He can't let that happen. He'll make sure that it doesn't.

Keith runs out the door, snakes following behind him. He doesn't even know where he's going anymore, usually,

Lotor would either carry him or show him the way, but now, Lotor wasn't here..

"Hunk, Lance! Have you found them yet?" He hears a voice and quickly whips his head around to look. Hunk, Lance... Somehow those names were familliar to him.

The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

Keith winced in pain, gripping his knife tightly. He tried to look at the people who were talking. But he couldn't see properly, wait a second isn't that the same armor his former teamates were wearing?!

Keith gasped in pure shock. The paladins heard this.

"You." The blue one sneered.

"You." He said back, venom lacing his voice. Somehow, he felt like he was going to cry.

"Your the monster who killed Keith!" Another one exclaims, pure rage in his eyes. As soon as he heared them call him a monster he was sure it was them. Those, those, degenerates.

"Monster? How dare you call me a monster when, you were the ones who abandoned me for the dumbest reasons like my race and who I love?!"

Keith was balling his eyes out by now. "W-what, are you talking about?!" The paladin in blue retorted.

"What? Do you not remember? I was calling out for help, I was so relieved when I found you. But guess what,

you didn't help me at all, you claim to be my family but you don't even try to save me?!Instead all you do, is harm me and call me a monster!

What kind of shitty fucking family does that?!"

"W-wait, wha-" the paladin in the yellow armor reached out to Keith. "Shut it!" Keith is infuriated, yet he's crying.

"I don't want to hear your excuses! You abandoned me, and Lotor welcomed me with open arms. He's more of a family then you'll ever be."

With that Keith walks away. Leaving three paladins very confused.

A/N: sorry this chapter is short, but thats kinda all I got for now. And to clear up the confusion, of many things I will explain here.

Lotor has no fucking idea what Keith's name is but nicknamed him 'Kitten'. When Keith asked Lotor what his name was, Lotor didn't know how to awnser, so he just used the nickname he had for him, 'Kitten'

Keith doesn't remember anything but then gains some of his memories back during a dream, or something. He also has a strong hatred for the paladins for abandoning him.

Lotor is very much in love with Keith. But doesn't know it. He thinks that he's doing everything just for 'the plan' but in reality he's in love with Keith.

All of the paladins think that Keith is dead, and that the galra's new queen 'Kitten' who is actually Keith killed him. They came to the galra's main ship to seek revenge, in fact, they infiltrated to five galra ships before they were able to find the one Keith and Lotor were on.

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