♦️Chapter 17♦️

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Not long after Voltron's attack, everything had went back to normal for Keith and the others while their enemy was going through a crisis.

_________In The Castle of lions__________

"I can't believe it! Keith?! With the galra?! But why?!"

"He thinks we betrayed him."

"W-what?!" Allura said in confusion. "Did they brainwash him or something?!"

"No, well, Im not sure. But remember that galran we thought killed Keith?"

Allura nodded.

"That was Keith."

"What?! Impossible!! Keith isn't a galra!
Or, is he? He came from your planet Earth, right? I don't believe your planet has Galrans there do they? Even is he was a Galra, he never looked the part, well other than now.."

"That's true, but he could still be a Galra. The blue lion was found on Earth, maybe a Galra went there to look for it, and maybe could have left their child there?" Pidge sighed.

"I mean, I knew him when he was young, not personally. He was an Orphan.

"Orphan?" Coran chirped.

"It means a child who has no parents."


"Keith's mother, uh, no one knew her, and his father died when he was young. Shiro adopted him. His mother could have been a Galran, so he could be a halfblood, which could explain why he looks like a human, but why does he suddenly look Galran now? Could it it be because he's been in space for too long or-"

"Pidge darling, your mumbling." Allura says concerningly. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, Im fine."

"Okay, Im going to go check on Shiro."

"Again?" Pidge groans "thats the 6th time today, just let him rest!"

"B-but, he could wake up any tick now-"

"Finee, Im coming with you, alright?"

Skip to shiro's room? Idk. Where shiro is._______________________________________

"So? You done? You can see that he's fine he's just resting."

"B-but, its been 3 Quintants!"

"Says the one who's been asleep for deca-pheobs."

"U- wa- alright... " Allura says looking down "Just a few more daboshes?"

"Okay." Pidge sighs.

"No more than 5 daboshes alright? Im going back to theorize!"

Allura sighed in relied staring at Shiro's unconcious body.

"When will you wake up?" She mumbled to Shiro.

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