an uninvited party guest 1

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"What should I wear for the party?" Rose asked Nova. The two of them were in Rose's room in the Tardis. Rose was going through her wardrobe. "Is it like one of those fancy dinner parties?"

"I don't think I can recall a time when Tony held a fancy dinner party" Nova laughed, shaking her head. She stood by Rose at the wardrobe and started digging through it herself. "Just dress as if you're going to a club or something" A dress caught Nova's eye and she pulled it out. "How about this?"

Rose's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's gorgeous" It was a short halter dress. The top part of the dress was sparkly with blue sequins, while the skirt was also blue and silky. "Do you think Tate will like it?"

"Once he sees you in that, he won't be able to take his eyes off of you"

Rose smiled and bit her bottom lip. "Thanks, sister" She had taken to calling Nova that more often. The Time Lady didn't mind. She considered Rose as a sister as well. "We should find you something as well"

"Oh, Rose. I'm fine wearing my usual outfit" Nova looked down. She ran her hands over the denim material of her skirt.

"Oh, come on, Nova" Rose urged, reaching over to grab her hand. "I can even help you find something from your favourite decade!"

Nova pursed her lips, thinking through Rose's request. She finally agreed with a smile. "Alright. I'm sure The Doctor's Tardis has something for me"


(Rose's dress)

(Nova's dress)

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(Nova's dress)

"One day, just you and me, we should take a trip to a roller rink

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"One day, just you and me, we should take a trip to a roller rink. Have you ever been to one?" Nova asked.

Rose shook her head. "I haven't, but it sounds like loads of fun"

"Believe me, it is" Nova vouched with a smile. "And we go to one during the seventies. That's when they were at their best" Nova looked down at her dress. "Rose, I don't know how I feel about this dress"

"Would you stop about the dress? It looks amazing on you" Rose complimented. She had picked out a blue dress with a plunging neckline. The shoulders were ruffled and the sleeves were long and see through. Rose smirked and leaned in to whisper in Nova's ear. "The Doctor won't be able to keep his eyes off of you all night"

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