the impossible planet 8.1

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The TARDIS materialised and the group of four stepped out of it. The blue box was in a very tight space. "I don't know what's wrong though. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land" The Doctor said.

"Oh, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else" Rose suggested. The four of them all broke out in laughter.

"I think we've landed inside a cupboard. Here we go" The four of them walked on forward. They went through a door which brought them into some sort of junction. "Some sort of base"

"Moon base, sea base, space base" Nova listed off. 

"I used to build kits of those all the time when I was younger" Tate reminisced.

"Glad we're indoors. sounds like a storm out there" Rose mentioned, before they made their way into the next corridor.

"Human design" The Doctor mused. "You've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier" They walked along the corridor until they went into the next room. It was a small habitation area with a table and some chairs. There was also a big 3 on the wall.

"Oh, sanctuary base!" Nova chimed.

"Deep Space exploration. We've gone way out" The Doctor said. "And listen to that" He referred to the buzzing sound that was coming from below them. "Sounds like someone's drilling"

"Welcome to hell" Rose blurted out.

"Oh, it's not that bad" 

"Actually, Rose was reading off of the wall" Tate said. He pointed to said wall. The phrase WELCOME TO HELL was painted on the wall in big block letters. A vertical alien script was written underneath it.

"Hold on, what does that say?" The four of them moved closer to the wall. They attempted to read the alien script but it wasn't translating. "That's weird, it won't translate"

"But I thought the TARDIS translated everything, writing as well" Rose assumed. "We should see English"

"Exactly. If that's not working, then it means this writing is old"

"And how old would that be?" Tate wondered.

"Very old. Impossibly old" Nova answered. "We should find out who's in charge" She stepped over to the bulkhead door. She started to spin the wheel on it.

The Doctor continued on. "We've gone beyond the reach of the TARDIS' knowledge. Not a good move. And if someone's lucky enough---" They all yelped in surprise when Nova got the door open and it revealed aliens on the other side. They had tentacles where a mouth and nose would be. All of them had a tube going in behind the tentacles, and they carried a white globe in their right hands. These aliens were known as the Ood. "Oh! Right. Hello. Sorry. I was just saying, er, nice base"

The Ood's globes lit up. "We must feed" They all said in perfect unison. It seems that they communicated through the globes.

"You've got to what?" Nova asked.

"We must feed"

"Yeah, I think they mean us" Rose said. The TARDIS team backed away as the Ood came into the room. More of the Ood came in through the other doors. They all kept repeating, "We must feed" The Doctor and Nova got out their sonic screwdrivers, while Rose and Tate picked up chairs. The four of them were surrounded. 

"We must feed" Only one of the Ood spoke. It shook it's globe and then tapped on it. "You, if you are hungry"

"Sorry?" The Doctor muttered, lowering his sonic. Nova lowered hers as well. Rose and Tate both put down the chairs.

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