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- important author's note at the end -

"If love
Was all we had,
Please say
You'd stay"

While I was getting ready to meet Max, I was slowly getting worried. What did she mean when she said something is wrong with Billy? Because something is since he is acting like a first-class asshole again. I tried to see it from the positive side, hoping that he'd turn around and tell me what was actually happening to him himself.

I told my mother I would be out for the day and left. The sun from yesterday was nowhere to be seen when I walked outside. It was pouring. I quickly walked over to my car and hopped in, making my way towards the community pool. When I got there, Max and Eleven just walked out. They saw my car and made their way over, hopping in, Max in the front seat and Eleven in the back.

"Thank god you took your car. This rain is awful," Max said. She removed the hood of her raincoat and smiled at me.

"Well, what's going on?" I asked them. They didn't call me over here for nothing now, did they?

"Okay, so to tell you what we think is happening to Billy we have to tell you what happened before," she said. I looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was on about. She exchanged a look with Eleven before beginning.

I couldn't believe what came out of her mouth after that. A full-on adventure story about demodogs – or demogorgons as she sometimes said, another universe called the upside down and Eleven having superpowers. How they came from the lab just outside the town and they had to shut it down last year. Eleven was also held captive in this lab and they did a lot of tests, which is how she ended up with her powers. How Will was captivated by this monster and it controlled him that was called the mind flayer, making him spy on the others. It was very confusing and a lot of information that I had to process.

Max just kept talking and talking, and I couldn't wrap my head around where Billy was going to fit in. From the sounds of this story, it was something highly dangerous and that was the last I wanted. If his life was in danger, we needed to safe him as soon as possible.

"Wait, just give me a minute," I said, interrupting Max. She stopped talking and both her and Eleven looked at me with big eyes. "Where does Billy come in? Is he in danger?"

"We don't know that yet, but it's possible he might be," Max answered. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay, well that's good to know. He did lie to me about where he was the night we were supposed to go out," I told them because it might be important to the situation later.

"Friends don't lie, boyfriends do," Eleven said from the backseat. It was the first time she had said anything since sitting in the car. I turned around and looked at her.

"Did Mike lie to you, too?" I asked her. She nodded. I gave her a small smile and grabbed her hand to give it a squeeze. "Let's go find out what happened." I started the car and drove off.

"So, we found Heather her lifeguard bag in the bathroom at our house, and we just went over to the pool to ask where she was. They said she and Billy didn't show today," Max explained. I nodded understandingly as I kept driving.

"Bath with ice," Eleven said.

"Oh, and there was a bath filled with ice. I think it might have something to do with his muscles and working out," Max explained.

We drove around all day searching for them. I didn't know how many hidden places this town had until we found them. We would stop somewhere and Max and Eleven would get out and look around before coming back and jumping into the car again. I was starting to think that he might just flee town at this point.

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