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"In a world
of misdirection
you are
my one way.

My parents left the next day for their trip. Somehow my mother was stressing about leaving and ran around all morning to make sure that they had everything. After my dad had loaded all their luggage into the car, she was standing in front of me, asking again and again is leaving was the best option.

"Are you sure, sweetie? We can stay, if you want," she had offered for the millionth time while we said our goodbye's. My father was standing behind her and had rolled his eyes, getting inpatient.

"You guys should go. Have fun and enjoy it," I wished them. She had given me another big hug – it was the fourth in the ten minutes of standing by the door – and reassured me I could call the hotel whenever I needed them. Day or night.

I was a little sad after they left. Having them in the house when everything was happening was a good distraction. We had gotten closer because they seemed to realize I was heading off to college soon. On the other hand, I was glad that they were leaving. This way they couldn't get hurt. I cared about them deeply and if they weren't here, I wouldn't need to worry about them.

The house fell quiet without them. I walked around the kitchen and living room for the first few minutes, seeing that I had the whole place for myself for the next two weeks. It was a good thing, this way I could let as many people stay here for safety – especially Max.

She had left this morning, meeting Eleven and the others. They had some stuff to discuss and where going to try to find Hopper. I told her to call me later if she needed me for anything and that I didn't want her to shut me out now. I was already in way to deep and he was my boyfriend after all.

I entertained myself by reading on the couch in the garden. The weather was lovely. The sun was shining hard on my skin. Unfortunately, it was not something I could enjoy. A few days ago, I was lying by the pool where Billy worked and I could enjoy everything without worrying. It felt so long ago.

My quiet moment was disturbed by the phone ringing. I closed my book and walked in to answer it. When I pressed the device against my ear, I already knew who it was.

"Max?" I called out for her. There was some shuffling on the other side of the line and I heard different voices. More than four.

"Grace, you should come over. We have something to talk about," she told me. She didn't need to say more for me to put the horn back on the hook. I grabbed my keys of the counter in the kitchen and stormed out of the house, getting into my car.

I already knew they were at the Wheeler's. The basement there was their usual hangout there and last time we also met up there. There was a free spot at the side of the curb when I arrived and I parked there. I got out, walking into the house through the garage. I don't know where Mr. Wheeler was, out with their youngest daughter Holly, I assumed. Mrs. Wheeler must be at the pool, I saw her there all the time when I was there.

The voices could be heard from above the stairs. I opened the door to the basement and walked in. The talking stopped and heads turned when I came down. Everyone was sitting in a circle, and Nancy and Jonathan had joined us now. Did she know about everything that happened? Was that why she had been so absent in my life the past year?

"Grace?" Nancy said in confusion. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised. Jonathan wanted to give me a small smile, but it really wasn't a time to be smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, he's my boyfriend, isn't he?" I answered the rhetorical question. I walked past her and sat on the arm chair that was standing next to the couch. Max and Eleven where sitting on it, Will in between them. Lucas was sitting on the other arm chair and Mike stood next to him.

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