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"You taught me how to write
the words that heal
the pain you caused.

While I was fixing up Eleven her leg, Dustin had managed to make contact with Mike through their walkie-talkies. They hadn't spoken with each other since everything happened, and I could tell how happy Mike was that Dustin was reaching out. Only it didn't seem to last long, because before Dustin could tell us where he was and what happened, he broke up and we lost connection.

Now, we were wall sitting in front of the open fridge doors, looking at Eleven who was searching for Dustin in the void. I had told her that it wasn't smart to go in there while she was hurt, but she didn't care and said it was important that she found him. She looked determent so I didn't push any further.

It was so quiet, that you could probably hear a needle drop at this moment. The silence was rudely disturbed by Lucas, who opened a can of coke.

"Quiet," Max told him off.

"Sorry," he whispered. He took a sip and slurped a little. It didn't look apatizing at all.

"How do you even drink that?" Mike asked, looking at him in disgust.

"Because it's delicious," Lucas answered him.

"What?" Mike and Max said at the same thing. I wasn't really aware of the whole advertising for the New Coke. I didn't drink Coke at all, to be honest. It made me nauseous.

Lucas went on. "It's like Carpenter's The Thing. The original is a classic, no question about it. but the remake," he took a sip, slurping loudly before smacking his lips. "Sweeter, bolder, better."

"You're insane," Mike clarified.

"So, you prefer the original The Thing?" Lucas asked.

"What? No, I'm not talking about The Thing, I'm talking about the New Coke," Mike made sure to get his point across. What even was this discussion about...?

"It's the same concept, dude," Lucas told him.

They went back and forth bickering even more, but I zoned out. It wasn't interesting to me at all, but I couldn't blame them. When I was their age, this was all that was going through my mind. But now there was this big monster that was trying to kill us, so it was a bit irrelevant.

"Hey," Eleven suddenly interrupted them. She pulled her blindfold off and looked at both Mike and Lucas with an angry look. She was so feisty, I loved her.

"Sorry," Lucas said.

"Sorry," Mike repeated. Eleven didn't respond and kept looking at them the same way.

"Did you... find him?" Mike asked, trying to get the attention to something else.

"Movies," was all Eleven said. She stood up and closed the two fridge doors, getting ready to leave. I stood up also and watched as Lucas and Will walked to the other side of the shop.

"Come on!" Will called for us. Max and I looked at each other confused when we followed them. We saw how they were loading up the fireworks in a shopping cart. Lucas handed me a few boxes, telling everyone to grab as much as they could carry. I didn't what he was planning on doing with this, but whatever floats his boat.

We all followed him as he pushed the shopping cart on the way to the entrance of the shop. I was glad that we had two cars, because how the hell was this going to fit in one, that was a real question. Jonathan was walking beside me and we listen to Lucas complaining about Dustin.

losing him | billy hargrove [#2]Where stories live. Discover now