Of Capture the Flag and Arguments

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Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, scary crusty-looking guys who like to sell beds, or anything else in the books or movies. Rick Riordan does.

Thalia's Point of View

To be short, I felt electrified. Electrified with anger, that is. I smelled horrible, we had been beaten by the stupid Hunters, and Percy was just standing there like an idiot after messing the game up for us. For his team. For me.

"Perseus Jackson!" I yelled, my face screwed up in fury, sparks crackling on my armor. Everybody flinched and cringed and squirmed, backing up quickly, probably because of Aegis. I love Aegis. It's one of the only things that connects me to my dad. Plus, it looks pretty cute as a bracelet. Percy looked like he wanted to run, his sea green eyes darting in fear. I guess I looked pretty furious. And no one in their right mind wants to mess with me when I'm mad, am holding Aegis, and I'm flickering with electricity. "What in the name of the gods were you THINKING?"

He balled his fists up, clenching his fingers. Now his eyes were stormy, like a hurricane. "I got the flag, Thalia!" He whipped it in my face, smarting and stinging my cheeks. How immature. "I saw a chance, and I took it!" That little comment made me snap. I told him to stay back! I told him to be on defense. But did he listen? NO! That stubborn little idiot had to mess everything up! I was using a plan, an excellent battle tactic that would have made Athena proud, and her just had to come barreling in.

"I WAS AT THEIR BASE!" I yelled. "But the flag was gone. If you hadn't butted in, we would've won."

"You had too many on you!" Percy snapped. I felt like slapping him. That was part of the plan!

"Oh, so it's my fault?" I growled, practically bristling with anger.

"I didn't say that," Percy replies, his face impassive and stony. I cannot believe him!

I felt my face heat up and the sound of wind whooshing past my ears, which usually means I look murderous. I am beyond angry now. "Argh!" I grunt, striding up to him and pushing him. I felt the volts of electricity passing through my fingers and curling around Percy's body. He was blown backwards ten feet, landing in the icy water. Hunters and campers gasped and tried to stifle giggles. The blood in my face drains. I just hurt someone with my powers. On purpose. And it must have hurt; that was a massive shock.

Oh my gods. What did I do?

Percy's Point of View

I sat in the icy water, feeling my clothes billow out and the water thoroughly soak me.

Thalia's face was stark white, matching the snow, her eyes wide. "Sorry! I didn't mean to-" I don't care about her stupid apologies. She humiliated and hurt me. Even though she does look sincerely sorry and really worried, I'm to angry to care. I felt anger everywhere: throbbing in my head, flowing through my veins, rushing past my ears. The familiar tugging in my gut calmed me, but only for a moment, before a wave erupted from the creek and blasted right into Thalia's face, dousing her thoroughly. I have to say, she looked pretty funny, dripping water from head to toe.

I stood up, my hair plastered to my forehead. "Yeah," I growled. "I didn't mean to, either." Thalia was breathing heavily, her nostrils flaring slightly, her eyes electrified with fury.

Chiron stepped in between us, his hands outstretched, face quite angry and also disappointed. "Enough!"

Thalia, completely ignoring him, held out her her spear, the point gleaming wickedly. "You want some, Seaweed Brain?" That rubs me the wrong way. I'd gotten used to Annabeth calling me that, but Thalia saying it was not cool and rubbed me the wrong way. I decided to pull out a pseudo-swear for her.

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