Of Sparkly Pink Hearts and Desperation

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Disclaimer: If I said I owned Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Aphrodite would make sure that none of my relationships would work out, and I seriously don't want that.

Thalia's Point of View

"Oh, gods," I moan. "We are so screwed."

"HEY! SILENA! LET US OUT RIGHT NOW!" Percy screams, while pounding on the door. "SILENA! I'M WARNING Y-"

"So this is what Aphrodite meant," I muse, more to myself then Percy, but it stops him cold.

"Wait...did you say Aphrodite?"

"Erm...yeah," I say, blushing lightly. "She was in my head earlier..."

"Uhhmm...mine too," Percy admits, and turns an unsightly shade of red.

"...let's try to find a way out..." I suggest.

"...right..." Percy says, after an awkward pause. We both bolt down the stairs, weapons out. And when we reach the bottom, both of us stop dead.

"What the-?" I say, unable to continue the sentence. Because the room has exploded in pink. Pink everywhere. My worst nightmare. "Oh. My. Gods." There are little red hearts all over the walls, with the words, 'Percy and Thalia forever!' written in curly script. On the floor is a picnic, complete with heart-shaped sandwiches, drinks with heart-shaped ice cubes, heart-shaped cookies. Everything is so frickin pink and sparkly and covered hearts; I want to barf. Percy just looks at the whole scene with wide eyes.

"We. Have. To. Get. Out. Of. Here. NOW!" Percy shouts, gripping his head.

Percy's Point of View

Oh, gods. This is unbelievable. In a very bad way. Locked in a room with Thalia. A room which happens to be decorated in pink and hearts that declare our love for each other. Not. Good.

"Okay, are there any windows?" Thalia asks, ripping the hearts down viciously, trying to see if the Aphrodite kids have covered one.

"Thals, in case you haven't noticed, we're like, four feet underground. We're in the basement," I say, slashing through the hearts with the Riptide, making them look like broken hearts, my name on one side and Thalia's on the other.

"Do you think I don't know that, Percy? That I'm some kind of idiot?" she snarls, slamming my spear against the wall.

"Look, Thalia, I just want to get out of here, so I would appreciate if you would just shut up," I snap.

"Don't tell me to shut up, Seaweed Brain!"

"I'll do whatever I want to, Pinecone Face!"

"Oi! You guys! Don't get in a fight! FIGHTS ARE NOT ALLOWED! Romance is, though," a shrill voice rings across the room. Thalia and I both instantly stop, gazes aimed at the ceiling, which is where the voice came from.

"Who the Hades are you?" Thalia shrieks.

"It's Silena. We have the room bugged, so we can hear every detail of your conversation! This is going to be beyond cute!"

"Silena," Thalia yells. "Percy and I are not going to kiss or make-out or hug or have a conversation admitting our feelings. Why? Because we don't have any feelings for each other!"

"Thalia's right, Silena, we absolutely have no feelings for one another whatsoever. So let us out!" I demand.

"Uhhmm...guys? Remember, our mom put us up to this. And if she thinks you guys are going to be a couple, then you're going to be a couple. So stop denying it and get to confessing your love already! We have archery in like, fifteen minutes!" Silena whines.

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