Of Dancing and Jesse McCartney

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Disclaimer: I'm not ol' Rick...though I wish I was...then there would be more Percy and Thalia bonding time...

Percy's Point of View

"Don't look at the kids," Thalia orders. "We have to wait for a chance to get them. We need to pretend we're not interested in them. Throw him off the scent."


"We're three powerful half-bloods. Our presence should confuse him. Mingle. Act natural. Do some dancing. But keep an eye on those kids." Gods, now she sounds like a babysitter. Must've had some practice taking care of Annabeth.

"Dancing?" Annabeth asks, surprise written all over her face.

Thalia nods, rolling her eyes slightly, the bright blue irises flickering. She cocks her ear to the music and makes a face, her lips twisting down in a grotesque grimace. "Ugh. Who chose the Jesse McCartney?"

Grover looks hurt. "I did." I have to hold back a burst of laughter.

"Oh my gods, Grover. That is so lame. Can't you play, like, Green Day or something?" I smile slightly.

"Green who?"

"Never mind." Thalia sighs, rolling her eyes again. "You are impossible, Grover."

"No I'm not!" Grover says indignantly. "I'm not impossible! I'm...possible...?"

"That doesn't even make sense," Annabeth snorts. Then he gaze flits over to Dr. Thorn, who's leaning against the wall, staring at us suspiciously, both of his eyes murderous. The blue one was leaning towards a fear-inducing iciness, while the brown one was more hostile. "Okay, guys, he definitely suspects something is up. Thalia, are you sure that you did finger-snap-mist-trick-thingy right?"

"Yes, Annabeth, I did it right. Both teachers are positively convinced that we are students here...though, who would want to be?"

"Apparently everyone here," I point out, and Thalia shoots me an exasperated look.

"It was a rhetorical question, Seaweed Brain," Thalia snaps. "Though I doubt you know what that means."

"Oh, so now you're questioning my intelligence?"

"Well...do you know what it means?"

"...no..." (A/N: No, I doubt Percy doesn't know what a rhetorical question is.)

"I rest my case."

"Guys!" Annabeth hisses. "Just dance already! He looks like he's not buying out act!" All of us glance nervously at Dr. Thorn, who glares at us. Annabeth, panicking slightly, grabs Grover and begins slow dancing with him. She begins to regret she choose him when he steps on her foot, crushing it beneath his hoof. Thalia snorts, rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time today.

"What are you staring at?" Thalia demands, and a small flush spreads across my face when I realized I've been looking at her intensely this whole time.

"Are you dizzy from rolling your eyes all the time?" I blurt out, without thinking. Erre es korakas, ADHD! Thalia gives me a death glare, and it takes all of my willpower not to cower in fear.

"If you don't want to find a spear up your as-" Thalia says but I quickly place my hands on her hips and start leading her to the dance floor. "PERCY! What the Hades are you do-"

"Shut up," I hiss. "It's Dr. Thorn." Thalia follows my gaze to the disguised monster, who's looking straight at Thalia and I. We quickly look away, meeting each other's gazes before looking down in embarrassment.

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