Of Planning and Escaping

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Disclaimer: If I said I owned Percy Jackson, Hera will curse my marriage when I'm older so...I don't own Percy Jackson.

Percy's Point of View

"I'm surprised. Your plan is actually...good," I say.

"Of course." Thalia looks offended. "All of my plans are."

"You just keep on believing that, Thals," I smirk.

"I don't see you making up any plans!"

"You're right. Sorry."

"What plans?" Silena interrupts us, her voice ringing across the room.

"Erm...plans to see...a movie...after we get out..." Thalia lies, cringing and wincing.

"OH MY GODS! HOW ADORABLE!" Silena squeals. "What movie? Definitely a romance film...chick flick maybe? Tragicomedy? Oooh! How about-"

"Hey, Silena," Thalia ventures cautiously.


"D'you mind getting something for me from my cabin? It's a small black bag."

"Well...what does it have in it?"

"...lip gloss..."

"Oh, I see where your going! Okay, I'll go get it. Sit tight!" Silena says. A click resonates.

I eye Thalia. "Do you seriously have lip gloss in that bag?"

"NO! Gods, your such an idiot! It has an iPod, gum, and a small notebook and pen in it!" Thalia snaps. "Do you actually think I would wear lip gloss?"

"You did a couple of days ago, when-"

"Don't remind me, Harry freaking Potter!"

"...you infuriate me..."


"I'm baaaaack!"

"Oh, joy," Thalia mutters.

"Thalia! Be nice! Remember who has your black bag!"

"Right, right. Are you going to bring that down or what?"

"Yeah, of course! Be right down," Silena chirps, then clicks off the mike.

"Bless those Aphrodite kids for being so ignorant," I mutter.


"Remember, Percy, the door hits the left wall when opened, so you'll be against the left wall, not the right," Thalia reminds me.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot, mom," I smirk, positioning myself against the wall, the Riptide clutched in my hand.

"Hey! You'll be down on your knees thanking me when we get out of this Hadeshole," Thalia snaps. "My plan is brilliant, so don't you dare diss it."

"You're right, it is brilliant," I agree. "Let's do this."

"Thalia!" Silena's voice is slightly muffled, but audible. "I have your bag."

"Okay, give it here!" Thalia says nonchalantly.

"'kay!" Silena says, and opens the door. Bright light streams in, making Thalia blink and wince, then she grabs the bag, and a little of Silena's wrist.

"Oh, thanks a bunch, Silena, you're a lifesaver," Thalia says, giving me the signal. I leap forward, swinging the Riptide furiously. Silena screams.

"Back. OFF!" I shout, and she nervously backs away, holding her hands up in surrender. I hold the sword to her throat and she squeaks in fear. "Silena, let this be a lesson to you: never, EVER lock Thalia and I in a basement full of glittery pink hearts AGAIN!"

"Okay, Percy, she's had enough. Let's blow this popsicle stand!" Thalia says, and both of us run out of the house, swinging our weapons furiously. We don't stop until we run into someone. And that someone happens to be...Annabeth.

"PERCY! THALIA! Where in the Hades were you? I've been looking for you two all day!" Annabeth snarls, her gray eyes full of fury. Thalia and I exchange glances.

"Erm...Thalia and I were locked in the basement by the Aphrodite kids to get us...together," I explain.

"Uh-uh. I totally believe that."

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