Zenitsu // They reminded me of you

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Modern AU

I walked towards our usual meeting place. the walk from my house wasn't long, maybe ten to fifteen minutes. we always met there, it was a special place for both of us.

i arrived at our hidden paradise and saw him leaning against a rock with his eye's closed. i assumed he had earphones in and decided to surprise him. i climbed onto the rock he was leaning against and sat behind him. i took his headphones from him and waited for him to notice.

he turned and looked at me, a gentle smile on his face.

" hey y/n your here early don't you think?" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"i'm not THAT slow, plus you told me you would be hear earlier then normal so i decided to come early as well."

he simply laughed and pulled me off the rock into his arms. he threw me over his shoulder and started walking off.

"h-HEY put me downn you know i don't like when you carry me! plus last time i asked you to carry me said i was too heavy and put me down!"

"well i lied. your really not that heavy. plus i need to take you somewhere so ill carry you to my car."

the rest of the walk was just me rambling about anime and manga that i liked and 'oh how i wish these characters were real' i mean he was my best friend he had been putting up with this for years. he always just laughed and asked questions, i'd always try to get him into it but he always said that he will watch it with me next time.

he put me down and opened the door for me.



He chuckled as i got into the car. he shut the door then got into his seat and began to drive out of town. we drove for what felt like hours. we blasted music and sang along to our favourite song's, i turned the ac down so i could complain its cold and take his hoodie like i always did.

he pulled into a side street and parked next to a pathway that led into a forest.

"i know i'm annoying but damn didn't think you'd murder me."

he just smirked and rolled his eyes. he took my hand into his and lead me down the pathway. after awhile he moved behind me and covered my eyes, we continued walking and after a couple minutes we stopped.

he moved his hands.  we were at the cliff side and the sun was setting, you could hear the waves gently crashing against the rocks below us. he walked past me and sat down on the grass , watching the sunset.

I walked towards him and sat next to him, i looked away from the view and saw that he had been looking at me. he smiled and pulled a small box out of his pocket . he took my hand and placed the box in my hand.

"They reminded me of you." he got up and started walking back down the path. i watched him walk out of view and then opened the little box he had given me. i gently tugged the pale blue ribbon and let it fall into my lap. i lifted the lid and saw a pair earrings. they were little silver hearts that had a light blue gem in the centre. i chuckled at how cliche this all was and then replaced my current earrings with the ones i had just been given.

after i had placed my old earrings in the box and then put the box in the pocket of his hoodie. i then stood up and walked back down the path towards the car. he was sitting in the drivers seat on his phone. as i opened the door and sat down he looked over at me, a light blush grew on his face as he noticed i was wearing the earring's.

"thank you."

We drove back to town in a comfortable silence, as we were reaching my house he spoke up.


I hummed in response.

"i guess this is a little sudden but i feel like i should tell you this now." we pulled up outside my house and we both got out of the car. we stood on the porch as he continued.

"i like you, y/n. i have for a while now. i love all your sarcastic comment's about everything.i love how you always rant about anime and try to make me watch it with you. i love how you always turn the ac down thinking i don't notice so you can take my hoodie. i love how you are always there for me no matter how mad you are. y/n i love you and if you don't feel the same please just pretend nothing happened."

he turned to me and wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"so y/n how do you feel?" he looked down at me, his soft gaze made me blush. my mother always said actions speak louder then words, so i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. i closed my eyes and placed my lips on his. we were like that until we had to breathe again and once we pulled away he placed his forehead against mine.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you to dork."


i hope you enjoyed! idk why but i never actually used zen's name.

i'm still fairly new to writing like this so i hope i didn't mess up much.

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