Inosuke // Can we stay like this?

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The light sound of rain crashing against the ground could be heard among the harsh footsteps running atop the muddy ground of the forest, the pain in my legs was extreme as i carried a tired and injured man on my back. searching for a cave to hide in during the storm was difficult as most of the caves were already occupied. i ended up finding a tree that wasn't being hid from the rain and laid the boy against the trunk, assessing his wounds.

we had just been in a tough fight and he passed out from blood loss, i had wrapped his wounds tight but it only slowed the bleeding down a bit. his emerald green eyes shot open and jolted around the unfamiliar surroundings, eventually locking with my e/c ones. his eyes softened at the sight of me and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. no words were spoken about the battle , or anything for that matter. just the gentle taps of the rain against the leaves covering us, and the soft sounds of his breathing.

i raised my hand up to his head and started playing with his hair, it was soft but had a lot of knots due to the lack of brushing, his mask, and the constant moving. i gently started untangling the knots and leaned my head against his chest. my eyes started to become heavy and i eventually let them close, the warmth of his body comforted me as i gently drifted away into the peaceful darkness that we call sleep.


my e/c opened slightly as i looked around at my surrounding's for a moment taking in the familiar scenery and slowly remembering what had happened. i went to sit up but a pair of strong arms pulled me closer. his head rested in the crook of my neck and i assumed he was still asleep.

i leaned my head against his and closed my eyes, thinking about the events of the past few hours. the rain had calmed down and was just barely falling anymore, the sun was peeking through the clouds illuminating some of our surroundings before disappearing yet again.

i turned my head to look at him and he only nuzzled into me more. a gentle smile appeared on my face as i stared at the usually loud and rowdy male , who was now calm and peaceful. it was a new side to him and i liked it.

after a few more minutes of sitting there i decided it was best if i went to go get some water for when he awoke. although as i tried to stand up i was pulled back down again, but this time it was more forceful. he pulled me into his chest and nuzzled his cheek into my hair. 

"can we stay like this?" his voice was merely a whisper. i turned my head to look up at him, my e/c eyes meeting his emerald ones. "of course , king," he rolled his eyes at the nickname i had always called him and rested his head in the crook my neck.

"good , my queen."


it's literally 6am when i'm posting this, havn't slept yet so sorry for the quality 

i read an inosuke book and i just, hes my baby and this popped into my head as i attempted to sleep so i decided to write it! 

sorry its kind of short but i hope you enjoy!

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