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Karry Wang updated his status
5 hours ago • Public

I finally did it :)

😢👍😮 12.7k reacted | 2.5k comments | 3.2k shares


Roy Wang
You finally did what?
↪Karry Wang
Nothing :)

Harley Zhong
What a strong person you are?
↪Karry Wang

Mae Yi
I'm sorry
↪Karry Wang
You don't have nothing to feel sorry about
Mae Yi
I know but I felt guilty about it
↪Karry Wang
: )

Jackson Yi
*Sends virtual hugs*
↪Karry Wang
*Accept the virtual hugs and return them*
↪Jackson Yi
Hope it makes you feel better
↪Karry Wang
Yes it did :)

Xu Jihun
It's going to be alright
↪Karry Wang
I know :)

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