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Xu Jihun
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Karry: Hun, why is it like that?

Jihun: Tsk, you're so slow. Look, Roy got to confessed first

Karry: I'm planning on confessing to her tomorrow but Roy still got to confessed first

Jihun: It's okay, at least your situation is just like that, but look at mine

Karry: Well, you're right because your ex came back and the worst is that he will marry one of your bff

Jihun: FYI, he is not my EX

Karry: Tsk, then why are you two react like you got a past

Jihun: 笨蛋, you know the whole story, right? You know his side and you know mine

Karry: hehehe, sorry

Jihun: I'm going to sleep, Ciao

Karry: Bye, good night

Xu Jihun has logged off

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