39 | narration

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Mae's POV

I'm currently waiting for my flight to be called. Daphne, Karry, and Jackson are also waiting for my flight to be called. After 20 minutes of waiting, my flight finally got called. We bid goodbyes to each other.

"Bes, why are you going to leave? I'm going to miss your childish and mature attidude of yours at the same time."

"You're talking as if I'm never going back? Hahahaha 3 years, I'm going to spend my life there for just 3 years, okay? Also, time pass by so fast."

"Tsk, still. Don't you ever dare pick another best friend there? If you dare, I'm going to be angry at you and just a reminder, you need to always call, text and video call me, understood?"

"I'm not going to pick another best friend there, remember, you are my only precious best friend."

"I'm really going to miss you. Stay safe there!"

"Yes, madam. Hahahaha."

"Yah! Come here."

"What is it gege?"

"I'm going to miss you, meimei!"

"Me too, gege!"

"Remember, gege loves you, okay?"


"Mae, I'm going to miss you!"

"Me too, even though we always bicker before."

"I'm going to wait for you. After you comeback here, I'm going to court you."

"Hmm, if ever I don't see someone so handsome there."


"Just kidding, of course. Make sure you don't fall in love with others. Please, wait for me."

"I will."

"Flight 127, is going to take off in 3 minutes."

"I'll keep going. I'm going to miss you all. I love you guys!"

It's so sudden but Goodbye China, Hello Japan!

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