41 | narration

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Karry's POV

I actually didn't forgot that today is the day that Mae will be back. The truth is, I'm planning on surprising her that's why her friends and I are here in their house .

And when I mean friends, Roy and Angela is included. He told me everything when I was about to tell it to his mom. Angela is really nice. She is pretty, clumsy, nice & kind. Still, Mae is the only one that I like.

Everything is set and we already turn off the lights because of the jingling of the keys outside..

"SURPRI-" We couldn't continue what we're going to say 'cause Mae enter the house with a guy behind her.

"Oh? Karry? Jackson? Daphne? Why is it dark here?"

I couldn't answer her because of how shock I am. She become more beautiful, yes we're doing VC but, she's more beautiful in person. And that man behind her, his so handsome, tall and has a fair skin.

"Oh? Why are you all spacing out? Wait, is that a surprise for me?"

"Ah yeah, actually Xiao Kai planned it all." - Yuan

"Oh really? Thank you Junkai!"

"Ah who's that guy behind you?" - Daphne

"Ah, this is Noa Kazama. I met him in Japan 2 years and 4 months ago. He would just visit China for 4 months and then he would go back to Korea, to study."

"Not to be rude or anything, but why is he here?" I ask

"He would stay here until he goes back, since he help me when I'm still in Japan. I'm returning the favor."

Then, everyone turned silent. Xian Xi speak to break off the awkward silent.

"How about we eat the cake?"

"That would be great!"
"I'm waiting for this moment"

Different answers can be heard but I stay still in my position and practically, sending glares to that Noa Kazama.

Tss, I'm more handsome than him but still, I couldn't help but feel insecure at him especially since he and Mae spend 2 years and 4 months together and now, he will spend 4 months again with Mae

While they're busy eating the cake, I left, and go to the veranda of their house.

Looking up in the sky, I could only wish that he don't have any feelings towards her. I'm kind of possessive, that's why she only belongs to me.

I didn't notice Mae's presence behind until she ask me.

"Why didn't you eat the cake? You bought it, right? You should at least eat even a small amount of it."

"I'm full and I don't want to eat with that guy in the same room."

"Yah! Why are you acting like that? He's a nice guy. Why do you act like he did something to you before?"

"Cant you get it? I'm jealous of him! You spend your 2 years and 4 months with him, and now you're going to spend 4 months with him again?!"

"There's no need for you to be jealous. I like you and only you!"

Her lips is only an inch away from mine so, I slowly close the gap. I could see her close her eyes and finally, I kissed her.

The End

Too Young | Karry Wang Where stories live. Discover now