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Jackson Yi
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Karry: YAH!

Jackson: Yieeee!

Karry: Why? What did I do?

Jackson: iT rEaLlY iS iMpOrTaNt

Karry: Why? It's really important though

Jackson: Yieee finally you're going to confess

Karry: Don't be so loud! If she ever read this, I'm going to kill you

Jackson: Fine! Bye for now

Jackson: I have a place I need to go to

Karry: Tsk, and this why you got hanahaki in tge first place

Karry: Why don't you love just another girl?

Jackson: I can't, she's the only one whatever I do

Karry: Let's talk about this next time

Jackson: Fine

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Jackson Yi has logged off

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