Apollo Joins The Game

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Apollo/ Lester POV

I was walking down the hill, humming Here Comes the Sun under my breath. Ah, the joys of good music. It was such a peaceful afternoon, the sun was out, the flowers were intoxicating, and-

A flying bed body (body?) slammed me in the chest and I toppled onto the ground.

"What is it?" I groaned, pushing myself up on my butt, spitting out a clod of dirt which had unceremoniously plooped into my mouth.

"Get on!" An eager voice commanded me.

So it was her. Alyssa Phoenix, newcomer, and daughter of Poseidon, and frankly, annoyingly annoying.

"Come on, Apollo!" another voice.

Chloe Moore. Sweet, sweet, Chloe. Very understanding and kind.

"Ixyzqt," i muttered under my breath, staggering to my feet, and then grabbing Chloe's hands as she hoisted me onto the flying bed.

"TO THE INFINITY AND BEYOND!" the blue haired girl yelled, standing up and pointing to the horizon.

"Hold on tight, Apollo!" warned Luna, daughter of Ol' Grey Eyes. I huffed. What could a flying bed possibly do-

As if answering my question, the bed bucked up and zoomed at the speed of light. I knew that feeling, because Zeus had once thrown me to Delos AT the speed of light. I arrived in one second and was very, very, sick.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I let out a scream and clutched onto the front of the bed for dear life. "Where are we going?" I yelled to Chloe.

She shook her head and pointed to her ears. "Can't- hear- you-now-" the wind snatched away her voice, and the bed flew circles around camp. My stomach lurched.

I looked at Alyssa frantically, pointing to my stomach. She gave me the OK gesture, and yelled at the bed. "STEAK!" Which obviously meant 'down'. The bed bucked up, turned 90 degrees and did a nosedive.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Alyssa yelled. "Uh, CHEESE! CHEESE!" The bed pulled out of the nosedive and floated to the floor gently.

I faceplanted onto the floor. Then my stomach heaved, and I got up as soon as possible. "BLEURGHHHH!!!" My stomach turned itself inside out. Alyssa fell down on the ground, barely missing the puddle of puke.

"That," she gasped, "Was awesome!" She pumped her fist into the air. "Go again?" She looked towards Percy Jackson for approval.

It turned out, he was too busy clutching his stomach and upchucking the contents of his gut. "No!" Chloe grumbled, rubbing her temples.

"What was the purpose of this!?" I groaned.

"Well," Chloe gasped, "Lou Ellen decided that it would be fun to get us all on the bed and enchant it to fly."

"And it likes me," added Alyssa, "which is extremely rare," she finished, rolling away from my puke patch.

"I couldn't agree more," I replied to her.

"Very funny, Apollo," she heaved herself up and sat cross legged on the grass. "Hey, we were just playing truth or dare. Wanna play?" She asked, looking at me expectantly.


"What's up?" Meg asked, popping into the clearing, munching a piece of bread.

"MEGAHHHHHH!!" I wailed, making my way over to her. I leaned onto her shoulder.

"You smell like puke," Meg so lovingly notified me, then stood me up right.

"Meg! Didn't see you there," yelled Alyssa, high fiving my traffic coloured 'master'.

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