Part 16

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Amanda's POV:

There I was, abandoned. All alone waiting to hear either a door knob creak open with Eric making a move on me. Or waiting to hear the sound of Josh's car door slam shut and footsteps trudging this way. Either way, I would end up depressed. I would be leaving Eric alone when he needs someone most. Or I would most likely end up back with Josh. He broke my heart once, he can do it again.
I didn't know what to expect really, talking, arguing, shouting, everything was a blur. It felt like time had stopped and there was only me left on the planet. I felt trapped in my own thoughts, no escape, no freedom. Just me and my weird, scary thoughts that started to become a reality.

I love Josh, I love him more than words can describe. Always have. Always will.
He was on my mind, wouldn't escape either. "My boy-" I cut my words off... "my friend. My boy bestfriend" because at the moment that's all he is. Not my boyfriend, sadly.

Josh's POV:
I was stood still at a red traffic light. Anxious and anger overcoming my fierce rage. I couldn't wait much longer so I ran a red light, I knew I shouldn't of but I did. For Amanda. She could be dead in a ditch somewhere now for all I know. I need to know she is ok, alive and not with that scum low-life eric. He destroyed her life in a heartbeat. A uncalled for couple of days, my heart is bouncing out my chest as I arrive at the old farm house with little Ruby in the booster seat. I take off her seatbelt and carry her chest to chest as I run in the collapsing with damp and grotty building.

Eric's POV:
I hear a car door slam, I ran into the room Amanda was in, making sure she didn't ring the police. She didn't, she rang that stupid ex boyfriend of hers. When the door of the farm house opened I heard Amanda gasp, like she had just awakened from hell. I slowly marched down the creaky staircase and greeted him "Josh, is it?" I said. He mumbled "Shit." "Eric you know who I am" my words trembled as I regretted saying "give me the child" Josh's lip trembled lost for words. "No" he replied. I got angry and yelled in his face "GIVE ME THE CHILD" Ruby made a cute scream before bursting in tears. Amanda must of heard her cry, her cry for help. Amanda raced down the stairs like she was running a marathon.

Amanda's POV:
JOSH?!" I yelled several times before I finally saw him. I greeted him and my little girl with a hug and a sigh of relief. Silence for seconds, it was shattered soon after by footsteps behind me "well well well" I heard Eric say. "What." I answered. I looked at Josh while he was still holding Ruby close, he held my hand also as I was shaking in terror. "Happy happy little family you play" he said slowly walking closer to us. He whipped on his jacket and pulled out a gun, his finger agitated on the trigger me and Josh run for the car. Josh told me to run with Ruby first while he 'talked' to Eric. I did not hear a pleasant chat.

Josh's POV:
I made sure Amanda and Ruby were safe before I even tried to approach Eric. He had a gun so I had to be careful with what I said or even my actions around him. "Why? Why Amanda?" I ask him. He got temperamental with that finger on the trigger "I could ask you the same question" I didn't reply until he made me "ANSWER ME" he demanded. "I love her, never stopped. She is perfect-" "ENOUGH" his low toned voice bellowed. Eric made a slow walk out the farm house and slowly walked to the car Amanda was in, he made it to the car window. He aimed the gun and before he could even blink I shot him. "I got one of those guns too Eric!" Falling to the ground faster than I had ever seen a man move, Eric... The guy who was putting the mother of my child In danger was dead. Good and dead.

Amanda's POV:
After I got Ruby strapped in the booster chair, I panted for breath out of fear and sat in the passenger seat of Josh's car. I was safe, i felt the shield of safety around me. I sorted my makeup out, if I had any left on that was. I rearranged my hair so it actually looked nice and looked out the wing mirror of the car to see a figure walking closer and closer, I thought it was my imagination at first but it was my enemy, my arch rival who I couldn't believe turned out to be someone I wished for dead. He aimed a gun in my direction all that was going through my mind was Josh, I was going to get out the car after I heard a explosive BANG followed with Eric's stomach and throat covered in blood and a fast and active fall to the floor. He was dead, in hell most likely where he belongs. I got out the car and cried in Josh's arms. "You're safe now baby, safe and sound" he said to me "this is where I wanna be. Always." I quickly replied with. The hug came to an end "I love you" I told Josh straight. "I love you too"

Josh's POV:
We kissed. We hugged. We got back together.
After a long drive home, I got Ruby into bed and Amanda out the car, she was traumatised still of course. I have never been so fearful in my life I must admit! "Amanda you ok?" I asked her. She didn't reply "Amanda?" I got her a blanket and sat her on the couch "I cannot unsee him" she said. "He is everywhere" I sighed "take a paracetamol and go to bed, I will get your stuff tomorrow and you and Ruby can live with me again" I smiled hoping she would too, nope. "I'm fine Josh" she said. "You need sleep babe" I said, she smiled "yeah you're right" she said. We both groaned walking up the stairs, exhausting! We got into bed "night baby" I heard her beautiful voice say "good night" I hugged her and she fell asleep in my arms. All I could think of is how worse-off we could of been, and how I am a cold blooded murderer. I killed someone. I cannot unsee him either, I cannot unsee the sight of his blood on my car window. I cannot unsee him fall to the floor every time I close my eyes to blink. I did it in defence, but it will never NEVER forgive myself as a clean conscience.

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