Part 1: The Beginning

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I see M.J. and Cassie as I walk through the front doors, "Hey Mere." They say in sync. I wave to them. "Hey, guys. How was your weekend?" It's funny how many pointless things we ask for casual talk, I mean, it's not that I don't care about what they had to say... I just didn't care about what they had to say. But who ever does? That's the beauty of small talk. There is no beauty in small talk. I despise them. Look at me, so critical and the day hasn't even started yet! The blame goes to myself as I left a crucial mess of homework up until the very last minute, and had no choice but to rely on caffeine to keep me awake last night in order to get them done on time.

"It was okay." Says M.J.

I forgot what I asked her. What was okay? Her cat? I stare dubiously at her while taking another sip of my coffee. I can't imagine what I look like right now. Everything about me screams "Organization-freak", but not today. I let that reputation slide just this once. In my head, I would imagine a walking corpse with dark circles exposed, and bleary eyes. "Spent it with Flash. We went to the beach." M.J. continues. 

Oh! That's right... "Nice. Did anything exciting happen?"

I stare at her, and she stares back. Do I really look that bad? I have an urge to search for a mirror but of course that would require too much effort for now. I'll take my chances. I force my eyes to focus on M.J's face while she continues to stare at me, wide eyed and with her brows raised. Waiting. It then occurres to me that I had never spoken out loud like I thought I did. "Sorry. That's nice, did anything happen?" I repeat, this time physically and with expression. M.J. chuckles and shakes her head.

"No, but I know he expected something to happen." M.J. says. I nod my head. Flash is quite... touchy with his girls. Sometimes when I see Flash and M.J, it seems like all he wants to do is pounce on her, at any given moment.

"Mine was horrible. Since I have to retake Chemistry, I've been studying all weekend. My parents wouldn't let me do anything but study." Cassie groans. I chuckle a little. Thanks for that, Cassie... the lack of sleep must be making me moody. 

"Well, maybe if you worried about school, more than boys or the latest fashion, you'd probably be able to pass Chemistry better than a C." I point out. Cassie shrugs her shoulders. 

"Maybe. But, I can't help it. It's a girls natural instinct." Cassie says. I chuckle again and roll my eyes at her last remark. 

"Meredith!" I hear a familiar voice call after me. My brothers voice. I turn my head to see a very angry Nathan walking toward me. I smile, and put my car keys in my pocket. 

"Hey, Nate. What took you so long?" I tease.

"Sorry, but I missed my bus and someone just drove off." Nathan says, slightly angered.

"Well, next time, don't wake me up the way you did today, and this will never happen." I say with a slight smirk. He had decided to tip bits of cold water on my face for fun, when mom told him to wake me up. It was an immature thing to do. Besides, the water wet my pillow. I simply had no patience after a long, sleepless night. 

"That's what happens when you don't simply wake me up normally in a mood killing free way." I say with another small laugh. 

Judging by his expression, he isn't amused. As the morning announcement plays, I decide to give myself a break from studying all night, and have a few minutes of those pointless games on my phone until the bell rings for first period. Gathering all my things and ignoring all the crowded banter around me, I begin to walk to my first class, A.P. Chemistry. I don't mind it, but I've only been there for a week or so. I use to be in a different science class, but the principle believed I shouldn't waste my 'smarts' in a regular science class. Which is encouraging, I guess, but it seems to be more difficult than I had expected and it's too late for me to change back and make my life the slightest bit easier. Making my way to class, I spot my reflection beside me on the classroom window. I don't look too bad. In fact, I almost look as I always do when I get a full night of sleep. Well, what an accomplishment! Yes. I fist pump the air enthusiastically, ignoring all the strange looks I'm getting. When I walk in with an over-exaggerating smug look of pride, I see Nathan with his back to me, talking to his friend, Johnny. Yes, hi Nathan. Thank you for acknowledging me. After minutes that seem like hours, Ms. Williams walk in.

Finally. What was she doing? Checking her hair in the schools bathroom?

"Welcome to another day, in A.P. Chem, class." Ms. Williams says. She sits at her desk, and begins roll call. Practically everyone is here, until she comes to a certain name. 

"Peter Parker." She calls out. No one says anything. "Peter Parker?" She calls out again. She looks up, and she eyes the empty seat beside me. She shakes her head as she looks back down at her paper, and mumbles something under her breath. When she is about to write something, the door bursts open. 

"I'm here! I'm here!" The boy says, nearly out of breath.

Ms. Williams looks at him, and shakes her head. "I expected you to be the first one, Parker."

"I'm sorry, was just sidetracked." Says Peter, making his way over down the back of the room.

"Don't make a habit out of this." Ms. Williams tells him with sass. Damn, guess I'm not the only one with an attitude today. 

I watch the boy nod and walk down to his seat, ignoring the kids whispering and laughing at him beside me. Ms. Williams begins class with her usual lecture and some notes. Long notes, to be exact. When she finishes, we get assigned for a short activity that involves working with a partner. I'm about to pick Nathan, but he already chose Johnny. I don't know people in this class, and he knows it. So much for siblings looking out for one another. I narrow my eyes at the traitor. 

At last I look at Peter Parker, who is already starting on the activity. "Do you mind, being my partner?" I ask him.

I don't usually see him around much, although he's been in this class since the beginning... I guess I just haven't noticed him much because he's usually here early and blends in with everybody else. The only time I really remember him is when he's on the street running after the bus in the morning, it was free early entertainment for everybody. He ran beside the bus banging on the window shouting, "Hey! Stop the bus!" Of course, that jerk of a bus driver wouldn't stop. He knew the guy had been running for the past ten minutes, and as usual, I'm always the one who had to go up and ask him to stop.

His eyes move from the paper, to me. "Hmm?" Peter tears his eyes off his desk. He looks slightly confused.

"Do you mind working with me? I don't have anyone." I say. 

He nods, brows furrowed. 
"Yeah... I don't mind."

"I'm Meredith, by the way." I scoot my desk closer to him.

"I know." He says with a slight amused expression. I stare at him questioningly as a small smile starts playing at the edges of his lips. The activity turns out to be fairly simple once we started working on it. There are a few times when I don't understand something, and luckily Peter is able to explain it to me. It's nice to be able to have someone on my level to work with. It's miserable, doing the explaining in my old class. I'm not one to take the leader role.

When we finish, I'm able to get a better grasp on the work. 
"Okay, times up." Ms. Williams says. I scoot my desk away from him. "Thanks." I whisper. He nods his head and breaks into another small grin. We finish class with some classwork and got our homework assignment. Thanks to Peter, I'm going to understand how this whole thing works.    

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