Part 2: Preceding

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Shoulder meets floor. Oh hey, floor. You gave me a crap ton of a lot of pain. Or should I be speaking to whatever the heck that bomb was? The heat was oppressive even from two staircases away. Screams of panicking strangers all around and above me echoes inside my head as if I'm not really hearing them. I start shaking my head to snap out of my frozen position, and also to get rid of the high ringing in my ears. Outside of the shattered glass window to my right came excited journalists and news reporters, as if they don't have a care in the world if there were any injured civilians. Speaking of, I push myself up and begin running up the staircases—in the opposite direction of where everybody else is heading—with the thought of people in the library who could be in serious need of help, but I think everybody was already screaming and running before the explosion happened. I had felt the force and heat of the flames, yet there aren't any signs of burning or any actual fire alit in any of the rooms. The pushes and shoves of peoples hands start pushing me down as they all struggle to get out of the building or to reach their loved ones, but eventually, the crowd of people ends and I'm here at the entrance of the library on my own.

Or so I think.

Someone runs right into my shoulder and bumps me until I nearly fall again. I stare down at the man in disbelief as he runs down the stairs frantically. "Oh I'm fine! Thank you!" I shout sarcastically down at him just when he leaves out of sight. Unbelievable.

A familiar, sinister laugh echoes from the library that sends chills running up my spine.

"You don't seem like you're enjoying yourself! Aren't you having any fun?" the dark, hoarse voice lingered on the last word.

"Um... no." 

That's Peter's voice. Of course he'd be here. I run at the sound of his voice, and slip into the library, silent and unnoticed. Sounds of glass shattering from the window fills the air along with the screams of the audience from underneath the building. More crashes, and I peak through the gaps of the shelves and search for Spider-man. I spot him in the midst of a fight with the Goblin, and wait for when he's closer in order to make a noise. With a crash, he lands a few feet to the right of me.

"Psst!" I whisper, waving my hand around in attempt to grab his attention. His head whips toward me in a flash, and a look of shock is—for what I can say is most definitely his expression.

"Meredith?" He hisses questioningly.

I nod, proud of myself and about to ask for a plan since I have the element of surprise to my advance.

"What are you doing here?" he asks as if I'm out of my mind, whilst making his way toward me behind the shelves.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Sang the Goblin.

Spider-man looks at me. "What are you doing here?" He repeats, aggravated, while he looks around impatiently.

"Jee, I'm sorry if I just wanted some books!"

He stresses, with his hands flailing about. "You can't be here!"

"Well look who's ungrateful!" I shout in a whisper back at him, placing my hands on my hips. He takes my face in his hands and looks me dead in the eye—well, I assume through the mask.

"I am serious." He warns. "You've got to go."

The shelves at the far front smashes into the one behind it in a sudden whip of motion that makes me flinch, and along it goes down the line like dominos to the other shelves as they make their way toward our direction to crush us. Spider-man holds the shelf up as it started to fall and ushered me back to the stairs that lead back down the building.

Peter Parker and Meredith Stacy (A Spider Man Story)Where stories live. Discover now