Chapter 9 Day Class/Night Class Ball

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Yuuki and Tailah are better thank god because it was the ball where the day class and the night class get to dance with each other Yuuki was ready to go including Tailah, Grace and Airi and includes the boys they all walk down together where the ball is.

When they got there Headmaster took the kids and so he is looking after them for Yuuki and Tailah Aido ask Tailah to dance with him and she said yes and Kaname ask Yuuki to dance and she said yes too so they start to dance before everyone ales did they just stand there watching them and then they join them dancing.

When it was finish with that dance they all went to have a break but Zero came up to Yuuki and grab her hand and start to dance with her when Kaname turn around Yuuki wasn’t there when he look at the dance floor and saw them dancing Kaname wasn’t happy to see that but he stand it to but he wish he had Yuuki beside him.

Zero and Yuuki start to dance and Zero ask Yuuki why I can’t see my own kid why can you please tell me Yuuki answer his question because Tailah is trying to make Grace happy again so that is why she said that to you and then Zero look at Yuuki’s finger so are you going to marry Kaname Yuuki went red and said why should I tell you that she ask him because you are my dear friend and I don’t want him to hurt you when the dance was over Yuuki froze.

Kaname went to Yuuki and ask her to dance with him again what happened Yuuki ask Kaname Yuuki he just ask me about Grace and why he can’t see her that’s all he told me but Yuuki didn’t tell Kaname that Zero saw the ring on her finger they all start to dance once more before it was over.

They all had lots of fun but it must come to an end the Night Class said their goodbyes to the Day Class and start to walk off Yuuki and Tailah went to get there kids when they got there they were sleeping they were so Tailah and Yuuki pick them up slowly and carefully so they didn’t wake up.

So Yuuki and Tailah walk back to the Night Class rooms to put Airi and Grace in bed and they went to the class room when they got there the teacher was Zero Yuuki was in shock but Tailah wasn’t happy Kaname was that the door waiting for Yuuki so when Kaname saw Yuuki he grab her arm and walk to their seat and Aido did the same thing with Tailah when they sat down.

Zero said welcome to class vampires their eyes went red but Yuuki’s eyes went a burning bright red colour and Zero saw it but Kaname look at Yuuki her eyes went back to how everyone eyes are Yuuki didn’t look to happy and when Zero was going to speaking but Yuuki stop him saying go get the really teacher you can’t be the teacher for us but Zero was the teacher and Yuuki wasn’t too happy about that.

Zero spoke again and said how is your wife Kaname, Yuuki was in shock that he said that she couldn’t believe what he said to Kaname and he said she is going good she is healthy that’s good Kuran and Zero ask one more question when are you going to marry her then Kuran that it said Yuuki yelling at Zero you don’t need to know that I know you are my friend but stay out of my life and who I am going to marry so just stay out please.

Kaname was holding on to Yuuki and Aido was in front of her Zero pull out his gun out ready to shoot her if she hurt me Kaname I will kill her but Kaname didn’t let her go so he sat on the floor with Yuuki in his lap Yuuki calm down and stood up and Kaname told Yuuki to sit on a chair so she did she only listen to Kaname or Aido because they are family to her Yuuki doesn’t listen to Tailah because she doesn’t trust her so Yuuki didn’t tell her anything that she didn’t need to know.

Kaname sat next to Yuuki and he was holding her and Aido was on the other side of her but for Yuuki she couldn’t take it anymore because Zero is a vampire hunter he could have killed her and maybe her parents so Yuuki use her powers on Zero mind he went to the floor holding his head with his hands Yuuki stood Kaname look at Aido and he knows what he has to do so he put Yuuki to sleep.

When Aido put Yuuki to sleep Kaname had to caught her because she could hurt herself because she could fell down the stairs and with that Yuuki’s memories start to come back again her and her mum sitting next to each other her mum reading her a book Yuuki favourite book it was a Princess and a Prince so love it so much but favourite things some come to an end so it did when Uncle Rido had some vampires with him to get Yuuki and when he said go get the little princess for me and they did but Yuuki father didn’t let them come in to get her because no one was going to hurt Yuuki when he is still alive so they keep on coming for Yuuki but her mother took her own life a make Yuuki human and that said that when you wake up Yuuki you will not remember nothing and so she did.

Back in class Kaname is watching Yuuki with tears rolling down her face and Aido is watching Zero who is still holding his head and his hands when Yuuki woke up her power on Zero mind was gone Zero stood but he was pissed off he pull his gun out and then said get to your seats now he yell Kaname pick up Yuuki and put her on her feet and the vampire they all did but four didn’t and they were Kaname, Yuuki, Aido and Tailah they all didn’t listen to Zero they just stood there until the Headmaster came in they sat down in their seats.

Headmaster ask them all have you been learning about all vampires and including the purebloods they all said yes Headmaster he was happy to hear that so he told the whole Night Class that Zero will be your teacher for now on they all smile and said thank you.

When the Headmaster left for Zero to keep on teaching the Night Class Yuuki didn’t feel safe around Zero so Kaname had to stay with Yuuki for now on Kaname saw Yuuki’s face it was like she was going to cry and she was in shock why would Headmaster do that why Kaname went in front and told her to calm down its going to be all right I will be with you for now on I give you my word Yuuki felt safe again with what Kaname said to her.

Yuuki felt safe again and start to hug Kaname and Kaname hug Yuuki back Kaname knows that Yuuki felt safe with him by her side and so he stay with her until the Headmaster want Kaname and no one can’t come with him Kaname didn’t want to leave Yuuki but he had to so he got Aido to stay with her until he gets back.

Kaname and the Headmaster start to walk to where is wedding is going to happen but he couldn’t tell Yuuki and it’s happening in the Academy because he was going to tell her in class with everyone Kaname was going to invent some of his mates and Yuuki did the same thing and they are so happy because they get to be with each other for life because they love each other.

It was two weeks until the wedding Yuuki was running around the place getting her bridesmaids ready asking them if they had their dress Kaname came up behind Yuuki and told her to calm down everything is going good Yuuki knows that Kaname won’t let go of her until she calms down Yuuki calm down and Kaname let her go and told her to stay calm and that he will be back later to check up on Yuuki.

Kaname went to Headmaster offices and ask him this better be good and it was Headmaster is going to make Yuuki go out looking for her wedding dress and Yori wants to go with her can she Kaname said yes she can go with Yuuki.

Yuuki and Yori they went shopping Yuuki found the dress that she was looking for from the began and they went looking for Yori to wear because Yuuki told her that she has to come they found a nice blue and green dress that looks great on Yori but they nearly forgot about Yuuki daughter Airi at the same shop Airi comes out wearing a pink and purple dress Yuuki fell in love with the dress.

When all started walking back when Airi said mummy are you pregnant ask Airi Yuuki said no I don’t think so why do you ask Airi I was just asking mummy and they started to walk back to the Academy when they got back Yuuki went to Kaname and ask him if she is pregnant Kaname said I don’t think so why do you ask Yuuki she said that Airi told me if I am pregnant.

So with Airi so has her mother powers that is she can read people minds and make their head hurt and some other power like Yuuki has like Kaname and also has some of her father powers that is she can tell if people are pregnant, read minds, break things and other powers again.

Yuuki was in shock because of what Airi said but she couldn’t think about that because it has been two weeks now and tomorrow is the big day that Kaname and Yuuki are going to get married Yuuki is really happy and including Kaname they fell asleep with each other again but this time they were in Kaname room but Yuuki was tired and Airi already fell asleep and Yuuki ask Kaname can she sleep with him tonight and so they fell asleep with each other.

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