Chapter 16 Looking for Airi and Edward

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Yuuki and Kaname went looking for them but not in the right places they forget were children go to when their parents have a fight they go back to where they belong too at the Kuran House it has been four hours when the kids went missing and it takes 2 hours to get to the Kuran House and for a car it takes one hour.

 When they were thinking right Yuuki said that they will only go to a place that they know really well and that’s the Kuran House were they both grow up in when Yuuki said that Kaname said that there is a car outside of the academy so they run to the car.

 When Kaname told the drive back to the Kuran House now the drive step on it when they were going there Yuuki ask Kaname hoe did he know where Edwards was and Kaname came back with a person called me that told me that Edward was with you and Airi.

 Yuuki didn’t know why Edward would do this because they were happy when they saw each other but she couldn’t put a finger on it.

**********************One Hour later*********************************

 They made it to where the Kuran House before the car could even stop Yuuki quickie open up the door and jumped out Kaname forget that she didn’t care about her life that much all she wanted is to keep the children safe and sound when the car did stop Kaname got out and run over to the door when he ask Yuuki was she did go in yet Yuuki said that the door is locked Kaname laughed and said that’s my son because that what Kaname used to do with Yuuki when they were little.

 Kaname unlocked the door and ran to the room that Airi and Edward shared and they still do share when Yuuki got to their room she open up the door and there is their own beds are Airi and Edward Yuuki run to Airi and pick her up and she was crying Kaname was at the door when he was walking in he went up to Yuuki and said you might want to put her back down because she is sleeping from the long walk they had.

 Yuuki did and they both lest the room Yuuki went for a walk around the house and when she stop it was at her old bedroom where she was nearly locked in most of the time when she walked into her old room it was still the same anything has changes in the room she went over to her bed and sat down but somehow she fell asleep.

Kaname unlocked the door and ran to the room that Airi and Edward shared and they still do share when Yuuki got to their room she open up the door and there is their own beds are Airi and Edward Yuuki run to Airi and pick her up and she was crying Kaname was at the door when he was walking in he went up to Yuuki and said you might want to put her back down because she is sleeping from the long walk they had.

Yuuki did and they both lest the room Yuuki went for a walk around the house and when she stop it was at her old bedroom where she was nearly locked in most of the time when she walked into her old room it was still the same anything has changes in the room she went over to her bed and sat down but somehow she fell asleep.

Kaname went looking for Yuuki because he didn’t know where she was Kaname still loves his wife and doesn’t want to lose her too all he can do is try and get her back when he got to Yuuki old room Kaname went in and saw her there laying on a small bed with tears coming down her face Kaname went over to Yuuki and pick her up and brought her to the room the both shared now.

It was  awhile before Yuuki woke up but she woke up to Airi yelling at mummy wake up mummy and Yuuki did and she sat up straight really fast and ask where is she Airi told her that she is in the room that you and daddy share she was confused because Yuuki went to sleep in her old room not this room and then Edward walk in telling Airi why did you wake mum up for you now better.

Yuuki wasn’t happy that Edward said those words to his sister Yuuki was going to speak but Kaname walk in saying you finally woke up sleepy head Yuuki didn’t want to hear him say that and went to Airi and ask her why did she ran away for Airi told her that she miss her dad and Edward but doesn’t want to leave her mum alone and  that you and dad should be together again and we can all be a happy family that’s way mum I want to be a happy family again please get back together again.

Yuuki didn’t know what to say and Edward said the same thing to his dad too because all they want is to be a family living at the academy or at the Kuran House who cares please mum and dad get back to together we don’t what to be separated with each other anymore.

Airi ran out crying and Edward went after her so Kaname and Yuuki are alone together Kaname wants Yuuki to come back but with her own will not he’s Kaname was about to walk out when Yuuki called his name out he turned around and went to the bed of the bed and sat down Yuuki told Kaname that she wants to be together again.

But also wants to go back to the Academy again and doesn’t want to leave but she has to because she wants to be with her real family the family that she started with Kaname because of him and the kids Yuuki told Kaname that she will come back only if she can still visit the academy still Kaname said yes and went closer to Yuuki and kissed her saying thanks you and we missed you very much.

Airi and Edward heard want their mum said the ran into the room saying YAY WE ARE GOING TO BE A FAMILY AGAIN YAY they all laughed but Yuuki just smiled because she wants to be with Kaname and the kids but also wants to be with her friends and the headmaster at the academy.

Yuuki told Airi that she will be back tomorrow and with that she left to go to the academy to say her goodbyes again the car stop at the front grates Yuuki got out and then ran to the headmaster offices were he was with Zero trying to find Yuuki and Airi when she knock on the door the headmaster said come in.

Yuuki walk in to the office and when they saw her Zero ran to her and hug her and the headmaster did the same thing and then notice Yuuki wasn’t herself they asked her what’s wrong Yuuki she told them everything that just happened and the part that she is leaving the academy once more time that weren’t happy because that they are going to lose Yuuki again.

Zero said no you can Yuuki you must stay you can leave but she didn’t want to but she has to because of her family the headmaster said Yuuki knows that the headmaster understands what’s going on with Kaname and the kids.

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