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They both close their car doors and head towards the door when Jungkook hears a familiar voice shouting behind him.

"Hey! Look who actually went through with picking us up!"

Jungkook identifies the voice immediately, forcing his body to turn so that he's facing Namjoon and a skipping Taehyung not far behind him, grinning from ear to ear. The contrasts between the Taehyung he sees now and the Taehyung he saw spitting angrily at Aunt Moonjin the other day was stark. What was even more surprising, however, was the site of Namjoon walking towards him, showcasing the same teasing smirk he had when they were in school.

Jungkook doesn't know whether to thank or ridicule the person who gave Namjoon the clothes he's wearing. His white shirt clung him like a second skin, every muscle on his stomach and arms defined to the point that it was hard to see anything else. His arms aren't extremely huge in the way that Jungkook secretly despised. No, Jungkook thought, of course not. His arms were nothing less than perfect. He  dares to look down at Namjoon incredibly toned thighs that were on full display in his jogger shorts.

No matter how much he hates him, Jungkook is never left unaffected by the site of Namjoon. His body always yearns for him when he is around. Back when they were in school, before Namjoon bullied him, Jungkook had a huge crush on Namjoon. Before he knew what to label it, his cheeks flushed at the idea of kissing him, Namjoon's strong hold on his waist in the way he's seen him hold girls before.

Jungkook always thought he was just strange for feeling the way he felt, trying to avoid Namjoon at all costs. But one day, Namjoon came to school with a huge bruise on his face and small bruises scattered on his arms. When Jungkook went to the bathroom later that day, he stopped himself short before entering when he heard Namjoon's and another guys voice. Jungkook was shocked when Namjoon told the other boy that his father was responsible for his bruises. Even more so when he said that it was because his father caught him kissing another boy.

"I'm gay." Namjoon whispered so quietly that Jungkook almost mistaken what he said.

But that word swam around Jungkook head the rest of the day, staying with him until he went home and googled the word for himself. That night Jungkook was finally was able to answer all the questions he had about himself.

"I'm gay", he thought.

He was shaken out of his flashback at a warm hand that was placed on his shoulder. He looked behind him and into Jin's kind eyes. He realized he must've tensed at the surprise of seeing them both again.

He turned back around and saw that they were only a few steps away now.

"Hello again, pretty boy," Namjoon lulled out,

"Surprised to see us?"

Jungkook let out a cough before replying, "No, I'm here to pick you up aren't I?"

Namjoon ignored his question and looked behind him, "And who's this?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, already assuming how it would be from now on.

Everyone likes Jin more than him, so he should've expected this.

"That's Jin, my assistant." Jungkook introduces.

Namjoon cracks a dazzling smile and puts out a hand, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Jin looks up at Jungkook in shock before placing his eyes on Namjoon, "Please, the pleasures all mine."

Taehyung sighs and bumps Namjoon out of the way, "I'm Taehyung, by the way, if you were wondering. Apparently my brother doesn't know how to introduce people as wonderfully as Jungkookie does." He shoots a wink at

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