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Jungkook wakes up on a hard surface, but it's warm and moving slightly, and it smells good. He snuggles in deeper, slowly opening his eyes. His eyes immediately widen, realizing the "hard surface" was apart of Namjoon. He panics, throwing himself off the bed, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Namjoon's eyes shoot open as he leans over the side of the bed to see Jungkook in pain, lying on his back.

"I-I I think I broke my ass." Jungkook whines out.

"Shouldn't have thrown yourself off the bed dummy." Namjoon laughs, resting his head in his hands.

"My head really aches, you got any painkillers baby?" Namjoon questions, getting off the bed to crouch down to Jungkook.

"G-guest bathroom, bring me some too." Jungkook pleads, as Namjoon nods, stepping over the boy in pain.

Namjoon opens the door to the bathroom, eyes widening at the sight he's greeted with. Jin lying face down on the tile floor arguing with Taehyung who's on top of him, dick fully out. Jimin, hunched over the open toilet with vomit on his shirt. Namjoon clicks his tongue, retrieving the pain killers, and moving Jimin's face from the toilet bowl.

He slowly steps out, closing the door, choosing to not question what was happening. Namjoon returns to Jungkook's room, cocking his head to the side as he see's the boy curled up on the floor still. He sets the pills down and bends down, slowly rubbing Jungkook's head.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook questions, not wanting to enjoy the way the elders fingers run across his scalp.

Namjoon says nothing and places his hands under the boys legs and torso, and with a swift movement picks him up, ignoring the boys squeal. Namjoon places him on the bed and moves to retrieve the painkillers.

"I could've gotten back up myself you know." Jungkook mumbles.

"Never said you couldn't." Namjoon plainly states, handing the boy two painkillers.

"How did I even end up in a bed?" Jungkook questions as he swallows the pills, choking at Namjoon's answer.

"I carried you."

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