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"I remember this place, Jimin brought me here to see Yoongi and Hoseok a while ago." Jungkook smiled, thinking back at the fond memories of Jimin carelessly grinding on Yoongi's back.

Namjoon snorted, "Don't mention Yoo- Yoo- god I cant bring myself to say his name."

"I thought you two made up?"

"Making up with someone just means you have to tolerate them, and tolerating them means you're not fond of hearing their smelly names." Namjoon seriously explains, bopping Jungkook's nose as the boy stares at him confused.

"Don't give me that look baby, c'mon how about we enjoy this night." Namjoon cheerfully exclaimed, picking the boy up to place him in a chair.

"Aish! Namjoon, i'm not fond of the way you throw me around like a rag doll." Jungkook pouted, crossing his arms.

"You'd be very fond of the way i'd throw you around in the bedroom." Namjoon cooed, pinching the boys cheeks.

"You're way too vulgar to be around me, i'll have you know i'm incredibly innocent and holy."

"Then why'd you higher me? Besides I know under that suit you probably wear some cock ring to punish yourself you little deviant."
Namjoon smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Jungkook choked on his wine, slapping the boys arm, "Namjoon! Keep your voice down good god."

"But... i'm not sure why I hired you. I don't know what convinced me too. If anything, why did you go along with all this? You could've ran away the second I freed you from prison."

Namjoon tensed, quickly jugging his wine.

"I'm a loyal man, and I don't run away from things. In fact, my original plan was to apologize, have sex with you and then get a better office. Not sure if it would happen in that order but a man could hope." Namjoon grinned as Jungkook stared at the ground.

"Apologize? You mean..."

"Yes Jungkook, It's shameful to blame my actions on my hectic adolescence. I beat the shit out of you every single day, and I know exactly why I did it. It wasn't because I thought you were better than me.  It was the first time I saw you, I felt vulnerable. For the very first time in my life, I felt like someone could rip me apart just by staring at me. Jungkook I couldn't let you have that power over me, I couldn't ever let you know what you do to me. I'm not ever going to ask you to forgive me, because I still don't deserve it. But every single time I'd look into your eyes I already knew one of us would be on their knees in the next 5 minutes. And I couldn't let that person be me. God, look at me i'm rambling all over the place." Namjoon chuckled out, wiping the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

Jungkook smiled at the man, grabbing his hand.

"This is what i've always wanted...it wont make up for getting bruises everyday of my life, but it's ives me closure..." Jungkook whispered, squeezing Namjoon's hand.

The two stared into one and others eyes, everything around them stopping until one tiny voice squeaks from the bushes.

"Grab his face and kiss him already you slow bitches."

The two's eyes widened as their heads snapped to the bush beside them.

"What the fuck?" Namjoon cursed out, standing up to approach the talking bushes.

"Uhhh...this is the roots of the bush speaking. Leave us alone tall human with sexy thighs, or face the consequences."

"Jimin?" Jungkook questioned.

"Jimin shut the fuck up he won't buy that."

"Taehyung?!" Namjoon yelled.

"Wait Taehyung he might, he didn't go to college so anything's possible."

"Fuck you Jin! I don't buy it." Namjoon cursed, angrily pushing the bushes apart to reveal 3 suited men crouched down with wide eyes.

"Well this isn't the bar..what a predicament." Jimin stared confused, scratching his head.

Namjoon and Jungkook stood before them, angrily sighing as their arms stayed crossed.

"Why were you spying on us, in fact! Why the fuck are you guys here? Did you follow us?" Jungkook angrily screeched, scolding the boys.

"We were here first! Besides this is the only place I've been to that hasn't thrown me out for dancing on the tables." Jimin spat back at Jungkook, crossing his arms to mimic his best friend.

"Well since we're all here, we can drink together!" Taehyung exclaimed, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Nope." Namjoon plainly stated, grabbing Jungkook's hand, dragging him off away from any people.

"Wait Namjoon, where are we going?"

"Somewhere quiet."


"So I can do this."

Namjoon quickly stated, slamming Jungkook against the wall, engulfing his lips with the smaller boys. Shock coated Jungkook's face while Namjoon literally sucked the breath out of him. Euphoria coated his body as he leaned into Namjoon's kiss, closing his eyes as he wrapped his hands around the mans neck. The two pulled back, staring at each other before Namjoon gives a smirk.

"Let's take this back to the house."

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