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"This cereal taste like ass, can we invite Jin over to make pancakes?" Namjoon whines out, throwing himself onto the couch with the bowl of cereal in his hands.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Fix your hair, and put your shoes on, we're already late." Jungkook states, sighing as he glances at his watch.

"Whatever you say daddy." Namjoon winks, running off to the bathroom.

"Taehyung, hurry up for the love of god! Your shoes and suit do not need to match." Jungkook yells, rubbing a hand over his face as Taehyung responds with a groan.

Jungkook sits on the couch and begins to think, was freeing the two really the best idea? Here he was, late for work, in charge of basically two toddlers. Jungkook groaned, as Namjoon walked back in, hair still messy with no shoes on.

"I thought you went to the bathroom to fix your hair?" Jungkook questions as he frowns.

"I planned on that, but then I had to pee and I got to into looking at my dick that I forgot." Namjoon states nonchalantly, chuckling to himself.

Jungkook stands up from the couch, grabbing Namjoon's hand as he shoves him onto a chair.

"Woah, are you sure we have time for this baby?" Namjoon states breathlessly, going to grab Jungkook's hips.

Jungkook scoffs and swats the boys hands away as he begins fixing his hair.

"Agh, don't pull so hard. You may be into that but i'm not." Namjoon winces.

"Stop being so vulgar, you act like a toddler." Jungkook states, fed up.

"Taehyung get down the stairs this instant or i'm coming up those stairs." Jungkook exclaims for the third time, finally hearing Taehyung's feet shuffle down the stairs.

"You, shoes on and get in the car. And you, grab that granola bar and get in the car this fucking instant!" Jungkook screams, watching the two boys eyes widen as they finally scramble.

"Where are my fucking keys?" Jungkook curses to himself, hearing Namjoon's deep throaty laugh from behind.

"Oh is this what you're looking for?" Namjoon smirks out, twirling the keys between his pointer finger.

Jungkook grits his teeth as he approaches Namjoon, attempting to grab the keys.

"Namjoon I am not in the fucking mood, give me the keys." Jungkook grumbles as Namjoon raised the keys higher, out of the younger's reach.

"Ah, I want to drive to work." Namjoon plainly states.

Jungkook's mouth falls open, as he shakes his head quickly,"Nope, no way in hell."

Namjoon frowns, shrugging his shoulders.

"Guess we're not going to work today." He states, throwing himself on the couch. Jungkook sighs, completely exhausted from the stress of the morning.  "Fine, I don't care. Maybe your shitty driving will finally kill me."

Namjoon's face brightens, as he jumps up from the couch, throwing Jungkook over his shoulder.

"Let's get out of here baby, we're already late!" Namjoon excitedly states, ignoring Jungkook's squeals and punches.

"Put me down this instant!" Jungkook squeaks, as the two approach the car.

Namjoon smirks, placing Jungkook in the passengers seat, "I'll put you on my dick if that's a better seat."

Jungkook makes no expression, slamming the car door on Namjoon's knee as he winces.
Taehyung cries laughing as he watches his brother limp to the drivers seat. Namjoon secures himself in the drivers seat, putting his seatbelt on and fixing the mirrors. He grips the steering wheel though doesn't move the car.

Jungkook raises his eyebrow before finally speaking up, "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't have a license."

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