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"I feel like a red suit would really compliment my eyes, what do you think Joonie?" Taehyung questioned, holding the suit up to his neck for the 10th time.

"Your eyes are black tae, the only thing complimenting them is going to be my fist." Namjoon grumbled out, placing his head between his hands.

Taehyung frowned, "Don't be a dick because your's is dry."

"I swear to god if you open your mouth one more time-." Namjoon started, only to be stopped a sudden sting.

Namjoon's head jerked to the side, his mouth fell open as he reached up to touch the spot. "You're going to fucking regret that." Namjoon cursed out, as Taehyung slowly set the expensive suit down.

Taehyung chuckled, his dark eyes locking with his brothers.

"Let's go mother fucker."


"What in the fuck were you two thinking? Do you have any idea how irresponsible and childish you were acting.Of all the stores you could've fought in you chose a Gucci store, a fucking Gucci store." Jungkook fumed, pacing from side to side angrily, while the two boys sat in his office, cheeks bruised, and lips bloody as they kept their heads down.

"It's not even a big deal-." Namjoon mumbled.

Jungkook snapped his head back, slowly approaching the boy as he crouched down to his eyes.

"I'm not fucking done talking boy." Jungkook cursed out, his anger issues shining out.

Namjoon stared into Jungkook's eyes coldly, "I may work for you, but I won't pretend to be your fucking dog."

Jungkook scoffed, walking over to his desk as he retrieved the file the 3 created. Grabbing a pen, he bent over the desk and began writing.

"Namjoon and Taehyung Kim, are not to be alone together until proven they are mature enough to not fight. Both will be appointed "babysitters" at Jungkook and Jin's availability." Jungkook spoke confidently, going to stand up, only to be pushed back over the desk.

The strong figure behind him pressing harder against him. Namjoon ran his fingers through the boys hair, chuckling at his jagged breaths. He moved his mouth closer to Jungkook's ear and allowed his voice to run through the boys body.

"I'd actually prefer you to be my personal babysitter, pup." He began, "But Jin sounds fine." Namjoon smirked out, pushing himself off the shaking boy under him.

Jungkook stayed bent over the desk, attempting to regain his breath. He let out a squeal, feeling a stinging feeling on his ass. Jungkook looked up at Namjoon with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Couldn't help myself, sorry babe, you were bent over and my hand was calling." Namjoon snickered, closing the boys mouth.

Jungkook groaned,  placing his head down on the desk to cover the deep red blush that coated his cheeks. Feeling someone tug on his  sleeve, Jungkook sat up to be met with Taehyung's large doe eyes.

"Can Jimin be my personal babysitter, pretty please kookie?"

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